Development of Li column chemistry procedure for calcium carbonate material
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Tartu Ülikool
The main objective of the study was to develop a relatively fast and robust column to isolate
Li from the matrix components in solutions prepared from carbonate materials. Four
parameters, eluent concentration, matrix loading, Li and acid concentration in sample
solutions, were used to evaluate the column's efficiency and robustness. The thesis results
show that Li and acid concentration in the sample solution do not affect the Li isolation, but
the elution range of higher matrix loading will shift to the smaller range. The whole eluting
procedure with optimized concentration 0.3 M HCl only takes around 4 hours. The ��7 Li
values with uncertainties (2σ) of samples prepared using the developed set-up were highly
consistent with the reference values and the comparative measurement.
carbonate matrix, Li ion exchange column, δ7 Li