Dynamics of tree-related microhabitats in live forest trees and its links with biodiversity
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Käesolev doktoritöö uurib eluspuudega seotud mikroelupaikade (ingl. k. tree-related microhabitat) kujunemist, püsimist ja ökoloogilist tähtsust. Mikroelupaigad nagu puu-õõnsused, praod, tuuleluuad jm moodustised suurendavad metsaelupaikade mitmekesisust ja toetavad seeläbi metsaelustikku. Doktoritöö eesmärk on uurida, kuidas kujundavad mikroelupaigad eluspuude elupaigaväärtust erinevates oludes. Väliuuringud keskendusid kuusele ja haavale Eestis. Uuriti, kuidas puude ja puistute omadused mõjutavad mikroelupaikade esinemist ja mitmekesisust. Tööst selgub, et mikroelupaikade kujunemine on keeruline protsess, mida mõjutavad puu vanus, suurus, liik, elupaiga tingimused ja häiringud. Eesti majandusmetsades oli puudega seotud mikroelupaiku üldiselt vähe ja mõnda tüüpi välitööl ei leitudki. Kuigi sellised mikroelupaigad suurendavad elupaikade struktuurset keerukust, võib nende mõju bioloogilisele mitmekesisusele varieeruda, sõltuvalt puu vanusest ja uuritavast organismirühmast. Doktoritöö rõhutab ettevaatuspõhimõtte olulisust metsamajandamises, et edendada mikroelupaikade mitmekesisust eri puuliikidel ja vanuses. See hõlmab olemasolevate mikroelupaikadega puude säilitamist ja nende teket soodustavate looduslike protsesside edendamist maastiku tasandil, mis aitab kaasa metsaökosüsteemide pikaajalisele toimimisele, vastupanuvõimele ja bioloogilisele mitmekesisusele.
This thesis investigates the development, persistence, and ecological significance of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) in live trees – features like cavities, cracks, and loose bark that enhance forest habitat complexity and support a wide range of organisms. This thesis aims to gain a deeper understanding of how trees develop their habitat value through TreM dynamics. Focusing on Norway spruce and European aspen in Estonia, the research examines how tree characteristics and stand-level factors influence the occurrence and diversity of TreMs, revealing that TreM development is a complex process driven by factors such as tree age, size, species, habitat conditions, and disturbances. In managed forests in Estonia, there were generally few TreMs and some types were not found during fieldwork. While TreMs increase habitat complexity, their impact on biodiversity can vary depending on tree age and the organism group studied. This thesis highlights the importance of a precautionary approach to forest management to promote diverse TreMs across various tree species and ages. This includes retaining trees with existing TreMs and promoting natural processes that lead to TreM formation at the landscape level, ultimately contributing to forest ecosystems' long-term health, resilience, and biodiversity.
This thesis investigates the development, persistence, and ecological significance of tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) in live trees – features like cavities, cracks, and loose bark that enhance forest habitat complexity and support a wide range of organisms. This thesis aims to gain a deeper understanding of how trees develop their habitat value through TreM dynamics. Focusing on Norway spruce and European aspen in Estonia, the research examines how tree characteristics and stand-level factors influence the occurrence and diversity of TreMs, revealing that TreM development is a complex process driven by factors such as tree age, size, species, habitat conditions, and disturbances. In managed forests in Estonia, there were generally few TreMs and some types were not found during fieldwork. While TreMs increase habitat complexity, their impact on biodiversity can vary depending on tree age and the organism group studied. This thesis highlights the importance of a precautionary approach to forest management to promote diverse TreMs across various tree species and ages. This includes retaining trees with existing TreMs and promoting natural processes that lead to TreM formation at the landscape level, ultimately contributing to forest ecosystems' long-term health, resilience, and biodiversity.
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