Euroopa Liit Eesti meedias: infosisendi ja meediaväljundi võrdlus

dc.contributor.advisorLauristin, Marju, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorAdojaan, Allan
dc.descriptionThe paper is titled "European Union in Estonian Media: Comparison of information input & output" and it focuses on the possibility of an emerging European public sphere among the Estonian publics. Also it covers the topics of information movement from European Union to Estonian media and recipient, communication problems between the state and media. The first part of the paper describes some of the most important theoretical models by D.McQuail, T.Risse, R. Koopmans, J. Habermas, as well as empirical results of European public sphere and related identity issues. Also it gives an overview of some important research regarding overview of information politics and institutions, attitudes towards EU, media usage statistics, participation in EU open sphere and newsroom survey. On the theoretical basis a model is constructed for further research on the topic. Model consists of the three main steps: first media news agenda content analysis, second in-depth interviews with journalists and third in-depth interviews with government officials. Research questions were put up to find out differences between views of state, media and media output, to find out if media fulfils its role and obligations in front of publics issuing from normative theory by D. McQuail and to find out what could be preventing Estonian media to fulfill its roles and obligations. The main results are as follows: The vision of media and state representatives considering the ability to intermediate EU information is surprisingly identical. Editorials lack people, qualification, politics, strategy and interest to cover EU topics, selection of the topics is random and not coordinated. The cooperation with state is minimal, not to say nonexistent, consumer feedback is not collected, discussion over EU topics does not exist. Public demand does not respond to what we see in the media, media has left a lot of work undone and information offered today does not satisfy public needs. Mediating role of press is slowed down by media's belief about consumers low interest about EU topics, that causes journalists low interest about EU topics. That forms a dead circle that has to be broken by media initiative. Need for EU information is clear and visible. The key to success in communicating EU information effectively to publics is in cooperation between media and state, sharing their resources and overcoming dissensions to gain their common goal. This paper is part of an international research program Adequate Information Management in Estonia in the 6th EU Framework Programme which in Estonia is conducted by Tartu University Department of Journalism and Communication with Professor Marju Lauristin as the head of workgroup. The author of this paper was also a member of this workgroup.
dc.identifierAdojaan, Allan (2006) Euroopa Liit Eesti meedias: infosisendi ja meediaväljundi võrdlus. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikool
dc.subjectEuroopa Liit
dc.subject.lcshH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleEuroopa Liit Eesti meedias: infosisendi ja meediaväljundi võrdlus


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