Valitsusprogrammi representatsioon peaministrite ametisse astumise kõnedes 1992-2007

dc.contributor.advisorLauristin, Marju, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorLuha, Kersti
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionThe title of this dissertation is “The representation of government programmes in inauguration speeches of Estonian Prime Ministers 1992-2007“. Its main objectives are, on the one hand, to focus on the values and goals shared in the inauguration speeches of Estonian Prime Ministers and, on the other, the reproduction of the official values through the legitimatization of the government. The theoretical standpoint of the thesis stems from diverse views of what political culture is, the shape and description of political discourse, changing values, ideology and good governance. The central concepts of the thesis are political culture, critical discourse analysis, legitimacy of the power, consolidation of values and their change over transformation processes. The analytical material of the thesis is composed of inauguration speeches of Prime Ministers of the Estonian Republic from regaining independence (1991) up to 2007. The analysed speeches were chosen according to whether the speech was given to introduce government programmes after the elections of the Riigikogu (Parliament) or after having reformed the government coalition, bringing a new coalition with new government partners. Shared values in Estonia connected to the changes in the society are researched through different public opinion surveys. Accordingly, these surveys have not focused on governmental self-defining discourses and indications to political culture from the viewpoint of reflecting, shaping and changing values through political discourse. Methodologically speaking, the present thesis combines discourse analysis with some aspects of content analysis. Discourse and content analysis of the inauguration speeches of Estonian Prime Ministers provides an overview of the main semantic features portrayed in the introduction of the government, its values and goals in the governmental period. Furthermore, it highlights the changes through the overall discourse and in speeches separately. The method also helped to take into account and to describe the context of the speakers and speeches and provide examples of the values and their changes accordingly. The initial hypothesis was tested and confirmed throughout the thesis. In addition to legitimizing the government, define it by its developments, and presenting the governmental program, social values and goals are shared and up to date challenges and goals are specified. The main subjects of self-defining of the government are related to state-building purposes, and provide a perfect chance for presenting the values oriented to the preserving the nation, language, national culture and also economic changes and other developments in the state and society. Starting from 1992, all the speeches of the Prime Ministers in the Riigikogu reflect mainly target values. Right after regaining independence, the target values were bound to statebuilding processes, establishing the governmental structures and legal system, and guaranteeing the stability of the state. On the one hand, the target values related to statebuilding and state security were concerned with the development of the nationhood, its needed abilities, reforms, political stability, preserving and developing the nation state, population growth, national security, legal system, etc. The target values related to economical development had to do with international competitiveness of the Estonian economy, low tax burden, competent labour force and knowledge-based economy. Finally, the values expressing political culture and developments of the society were also expressed in the speeches. The abovementioned target values expressed in most of the speeches of Prime Ministers are noticeably supplemented in the beginning of early 2000ths after the state and independence were secured, especially after Estonia joined the European Union and NATO. These changes added the values bound to personal space of society members of Estonia (self-realization, happiness, toleration, creativity, freedom) to the discourse introducing the government. The range of values bound to political and societal developments as dignity, appreciating older generation and improving public health were also added into the new discursive practices. The social groups addressed to by the Prime Ministers’ discourse are quite stable during the covered period of analysis. Special attention in the speeches is mostly paid to (young) families, pensioners, unemployed people, rural people, pedagogues and entrepreneurs. This attention to these groups might be understood through the values and expectations bound to them in the speech: improving their material state or mentioning the expectations for these improvements, defining the group as important for the development and improvement of Estonia, and achieving specific development goals (knowledge-based economy, foreign investments etc). Eventually it is possible to say that the values expressed to legitimate the Estonian governments by the Prime Ministers during 1992-2007 reflect rapid changes in the development of Estonia. Along the abovementioned changes, the definition of the state goals has moved from state-building to its preservation and the improvement of Estonia’s international relevance. The values offered to the inhabitants have changed from maintaining their life-standard and handling everyday life towards attempting higher life standards and activeness in innovative economics, but also to increase Estonia’s population, and preserve its culture and nation-state. To a certain extent, in addition to the new values from the beginning of 2000ths it is possible to identify values that may be considered as postmodern (selfrealization, public health, keeping nature and environment etc). Seen political culture in connection with shared values in the society and discourse, the conclusions of the thesis assure that political culture of Estonia is developing with the statehood. The appearance of terminal values legitimizing the government and offered to the public in the discourse of Estonian Prime Ministers may be one of the first signs of the change in shared values of the Estonian society. But how will these first indications, introduced during rapid economical growth times in Estonia, develop? This might be the subject for further research, following government discourses and broader public discourses in Estonia. The constant references to the potential loss of Estonian culture, language and the essence of the „Estonianness“ in the discourse of Estonian Prime Ministers seem to indicate that the discourse is used as a tool for political mobilzation. A prognosis as a result of this analysis is that similar references will continue to be used in future speeches in order to quarrantee the national unity, citizens’ political priorities and exclusive interest to Estonian affairs rather than European and global issues (social, environmetal, economical etc).en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleValitsusprogrammi representatsioon peaministrite ametisse astumise kõnedes 1992-2007et


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