Perpetua - A Turn-Based Role-Playing Game with Runes
dc.contributor.advisor | Nael, Daniel, juhendaja | | | Rokka, Jan Markus | |
dc.contributor.other | Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond | et |
dc.contributor.other | Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituut | et | | 2025-02-13T12:58:39Z | | | 2025-02-13T12:58:39Z | | | 2025 | |
dc.description.abstract | The thesis describes the design and implementation of Perpetua, a turn-based role-playing game. The purpose of this game is to provide variety in its corresponding genre through the combination of equipment customization and survival strategy. The thesis gives an overview of the design and implementation of the game’s most important systems. The usability of the game was also evaluated through playtesting on potential players. The thesis provides an analysis of the testing results. Future plans for development were made based on the given feedback. | |
dc.description.abstract | Lõputöö kirjeldab käigupõhise rollimängu „Perpetua“ disaini ja arendusprotsessi. Mängu eesmärk on pakkuda vaheldust vastavas žanris, kombineerides varustuse kohandamist ja ellujäämisstrateegiat. Lõputöö annab ülevaate mängu olulisemate süsteemide disainist ja teostusest. Viidi läbi kasutatavusele suunatud testimine potentsiaalsete mängijatega. Lõputöö sisaldab testimisest saadud tulemuste analüüsi. Saadud tagasiside põhjal on plaanis mängu edasi arendada. | |
dc.identifier.other | P170 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.publisher | Tartu Ülikool | et |
dc.rights | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estonia | en |
dc.rights.uri | | |
dc.subject | game development | |
dc.subject | Unity | |
dc.subject | software development | |
dc.subject | computer game | |
dc.subject | game design | |
dc.subject | role-playing game | |
dc.subject | playtesting | |
dc.subject.other | bakalaureusetööd | et |
dc.subject.other | informaatika | et |
dc.subject.other | infotehnoloogia | et |
dc.subject.other | informatics | en |
dc.subject.other | infotechnology | en |
dc.title | Perpetua - A Turn-Based Role-Playing Game with Runes | |
dc.title.alternative | Perpetua - Ruunidega käigupõhine rollimäng | |
dc.type | Thesis |