The effect of torrefaction condensate on the growth of Porphyridium marinum and the production of exopolysaccharides



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Porphyridium marinum is a eukaryotic marine red microalgae species. It is well known for its high content of polysaccharides and the production of exopolysaccharides. In this study P. marinum was cultivated with the addition of condensed gases (Torrefaction condensate) to the culture medium, produced from the torrefaction of wood biomass. Red microalgae ability to assimilate a wide range of compounds suggests that P. marinum could break down the toxic TC and, in addition, produce commercially valuable polysaccharides. P. marinum was grown with various amounts of TC added to the culture medium and culture growth was monitored every 48 hours for 24-26 days. Biomass and EPS were extracted and measured from each batch at the end of the experiment. These findings were compared to control batches without the TC treatment. TC treatment had a negative, but not statistically significant effect on the final biomass and EPS yield compared to control.



Red algae, Microalgae, Porphyridium marinum, Exopolysaccharides, Torrefaction
