Eesti ja vene naiste arvamused toiduriskidest

dc.contributor.advisorKiisel, Maie, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorVabson, Karina
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondet
dc.descriptionTo find out the perception of food risks among women, media analysis and interviews with Estonian and Russian women were made. Media analysis overviewed the amount and approach of articles about food risks in Postimees (Estonian newspaper) and Molodjozh Estonii (Estonian Russian language newspaper) during one year (November 2005- November 2006). I also overviewed magazines for women (two Estonian and two Russian magazines that are published in Estonia). The interviews were made with five Estonian young women who have little children and five Russian young mothers. I supposed that young mothers are more sensitive in the perception of food risks. Food risks and their perception are dependent on people personal experiences, their cultural environment, governmental activities and restrictions and such issues like media. Media analysis has showed that during one year only few articles in different media channels have entirely reflected subjects about food risks. In Russian newspaper Molodjozh Estonii was published five times less information about food risks than in Estonian Postimees. All together in four magazines only nine articles were written about food risks. Four of them were published in Russian language magazine Lada. The analysis of the interviews shows that knowledge of food risks among young women who have little children is not very high. Though everyone stated that they are trying to eat healthy food, the perception of food risks is more superficial. The most important food risks that were named - overweight, allergy, skin problems. Allergy also tends to influence very strongly the choice of food in the shop. Few respondents have stated that either they or their children have allergy on some products. The fact is that everyone has stated that with their child’s birth and with pregnancy they have changed their usual diet to healthier one. Comparing to respondents’ parents some food habits occur also now in their own family, but some habits have been changed. That means that family does not have very strong influence on personal diet, though Russian interviewees think that firstly family influences the diet strategy of children. Estonian respondents think that the whole social environment influences child’s choices (advertisement, media, school, kindergarten). Though people and media are not paying enough attention to food risks and how they can influence on us, qualitative characteristics of Estonians’ health are quiet sad. None of the respondents found it significant the threats of cardiovascular disease. The last is the first reason of people’s death in Estonia. There were no essential differences between young Estonian and Russian women, which might be explained that Russian women have lived in Estonia for quiet long time and Estonian culture is sometimes closer to them than traditional Russian culture. But Russian and Estonian women said that they prefer cooking at home and love Russian cuisine. Estonia is a multi-cultural country and Russian cuisine example shows that some traditions are mixed here. Women think that magazines and newspapers are writing about diets and give receipts (food subjects in media). They get mostly information about diets in the internet and women’s magazines. They are looking for the concrete information if they know concretely what they need to find out. But also everyone thinks that it is much better to follow your intuition and feelings while choosing the diet.en
dc.identifierVabson, Karina (2007) Eesti ja vene naiste arvamused toiduriskidest. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleEesti ja vene naiste arvamused toiduriskidestet


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