Creating Teaching Materials For Implementing Project Based Learning in Year 6 EFL Class



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Tartu Ülikool


Project Based Learning is a student-centred method that allows to learn content through finding solutions to a driving question and presenting the results publicly either in classroom or outside. The method involves authentic materials and enhances student autonomy, creating opportunities for developing the 21st century skills. The aim of the present master’s thesis is to create materials for implementing Project Based Learning in Estonian EFL classroom to teach Scottish culture and develop the skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity in students. The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. Introduction outlines the historical background of Project Based Learning and states the aims of the thesis. The first chapter provides an overview of Project Based Learning, its implementation in EFL classroom and 21st century skills. The second chapter focuses on the principles for creating lesson plans and materials for implementing PBL, piloting the materials and discussion. The materials compiled for the project are included in the appendices.



inglise keel, keeleõpetus, õppematerjalid, 6. klass, loovus, koostöö, kriitiline mõtlemine
