Engaging the elderly in museum education : a study of the Age Well sessions at Glasgow museums



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Tartu Ülikool


This study is created to explore the design and implementation of the Age Well Sessions conducted in Glasgow Museums, aiming to reveal the programme’s foundational philosophies, engaging strategies, and guiding principles. It seeks to capture the frontline designers’ and educators’ perspectives on the programme’s implementation and development in engaging older adults and how these insights constantly shape and support the programme’s evolution. Furthermore, the research explores the identified challenges and opportunities of the sessions in meeting the diverse needs of elderly participants from the initiators’ experience, revealing issues such as resource limitations, transportation, the challenge of reaching minority groups, and so on. Besides this, the study investigates potential future developments or adjustments of the Age Well Sessions to meet the evolving needs of its target audience. By delving into these details, the study may bring broader discussions on ageing, cultural engagement, and the role of museum education in fostering creative ageing and lifelong learning among older adults. This focus underscores the importance of inclusive and accessible museum practices which are helpful to enhance mutual enrichment between museums and the elderly community within the UK’s societal context.



eakad, elukestev õpe, muuseumipedagoogika, Glasgow, Suurbritannia
