Livonian word prosody
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Liivi sõnaprosoodia on maailma keelte hulgas tähelepanuväärsel kohal, kuna ilmnevad sarnased jooned nii teiste soome-ugri keeltega kui ka balti ja skandinaavia keeltega. Liivi astmevaheldust iseloomustab nõrga- ja tugevaastmeliste rõhusilpide vaheldumine rõhtutute silpidega kahesilbilises kõnetaktis. Eriliseks teeb liivi keele pikkades rõhusilpides vastanduvad tõusev püsitoon ja tõusev-langev katketoon. Väitekiri keskendub kolmele peamisele aspektile: liivi kahesilbiliste nõrga- ja tugevaastmelise struktuuriga sõnade silpide kestuste, kestussuhete ja põhitooni omavahelisele seosele kõnetaktis, liivi pikematele sõnastruktuuridele ja liivi katketooni akustilistele tunnustele. Akustiline analüüs näitas, et kahesilbilistes nõrga- ja tugevaastmelise struktuuriga sõnades ilmneb rõhutu silbi kestuse erinevus ja sellest tulenevalt rõhulise ja rõhutu silbi kestussuhete erinevus. Põhitooni analüüs näitas, et püsitooniga nõrgaastmeliste sõnade põhitoon on küll tõusev, kuid tugevaastmeliste sõnade puhul põhitooni kontuur varieerub. Põhitooni tipp nendes sõnades võib olla nii pearõhulise esisilbi alguses kui ka lõpus. Liivi pikemates sõnades on silpide suhted kaasrõhulises kõnetaktis enamasti sarnased rõhulise ja rõhuta silbi suhtega pearõhulises taktis. Uurimistulemused kinnitavad, et kõige iseloomulikum katketooni akustiline tunnus nii loetud kui ka spontaanses kõnes on põhitooni tipu asukoht pearõhulise silbi alguses. Põhitooni varajane langus rõhulises silbis tingib ka selle, et põhitoon rõhutus silbis on katketooniga sõnades madalam. Pikad helilised silbituumad katketooniga sõnades võivad häälduda larüngalisatsiooniga, mis esineb järjekindlamalt loetud kõnes kui spontaanses kõnes. Intensiivsuse puhul on kõige iseloomulikum selle ebaregulaarne kontuur pearõhulises silbis. Väitekirja uurimistulemused kinnitavad ka, et katketooni kirjeldamisel tuleks kindlasti rohkem tähelepanu pöörata sõna rõhutule silbile, kuna katketooni akustilised tunnused peegelduvad ka seal.
The Livonian language shares similar prosodic features with Finno-Ugric languages but also Baltic and Scandinavian languages. Gradation in Livonian is a regular alternation of the weak-grade and strong-grade stressed syllables and unstressed syllables. A significant phenomenon in Livonian word prosody is the opposition of the plain tone and broken tone or stød. The current thesis focuses on three main research aspects: the role of quantity and fundamental frequency in the Livonian prosodic system, the temporal patterns in Livonian words of more than two syllables, and acoustic features of Livonian broken tone or stød. The acoustic analysis showed the duration of the first stressed syllable might not differ in weak- and strong-grade words, but the difference becomes evident in the second unstressed syllable duration. Words without stød (i.e. with the plain tone) can have a late pitch peak in weak-grade words, while in strong-grade words the F0 peak can vary in the first stressed syllable. The structures of primary-stressed and secondary-stressed feet are in principle alike. The analysis revealed that the most stable and characteristic feature of words with stød is an early location of the F0 turning point and the irregular shape of the intensity contour. The F0 values in S2 are considerably smaller in words with stød. Characteristic laryngealization is realized more often in read speech than in spontaneous speech. In spontaneous speech, this feature tends to weaken or disappear. The results of this thesis suggest that not only the syllable carrying stød but also the following syllable might cue the difference between words with and without stød.
The Livonian language shares similar prosodic features with Finno-Ugric languages but also Baltic and Scandinavian languages. Gradation in Livonian is a regular alternation of the weak-grade and strong-grade stressed syllables and unstressed syllables. A significant phenomenon in Livonian word prosody is the opposition of the plain tone and broken tone or stød. The current thesis focuses on three main research aspects: the role of quantity and fundamental frequency in the Livonian prosodic system, the temporal patterns in Livonian words of more than two syllables, and acoustic features of Livonian broken tone or stød. The acoustic analysis showed the duration of the first stressed syllable might not differ in weak- and strong-grade words, but the difference becomes evident in the second unstressed syllable duration. Words without stød (i.e. with the plain tone) can have a late pitch peak in weak-grade words, while in strong-grade words the F0 peak can vary in the first stressed syllable. The structures of primary-stressed and secondary-stressed feet are in principle alike. The analysis revealed that the most stable and characteristic feature of words with stød is an early location of the F0 turning point and the irregular shape of the intensity contour. The F0 values in S2 are considerably smaller in words with stød. Characteristic laryngealization is realized more often in read speech than in spontaneous speech. In spontaneous speech, this feature tends to weaken or disappear. The results of this thesis suggest that not only the syllable carrying stød but also the following syllable might cue the difference between words with and without stød.
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liivi keel, prosoodia, fonoloogia, akustiline foneetika, kestussuhted, toon (keelet.), võrdlev analüüs, Livonian language, prosody, phonology, acoustic phonetics, durational ratios, tone (ling.), comparative analysis