Modeling and characterization of back-relaxation of ionic electroactive polymer actuators
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Ioonsed elektroaktiivsed polümeerid (IEAP) on arukad komposiitmaterjalid, mille põhiosadeks on elektrit juhtivad elektroodid, elektroode eraldav polümeermembraan ning elektrolüüt. Kui elektroodidele rakendada elektripinge, paigutuvad ioonid ümber, mille tulemusena kogu laminaat tõmbub kõveraks. IEAP materjalide elektriline ja mehhaaniline käitumine on kirjeldatav vastavalt takistitest ning kondensaatorites koosnevate elektriliste ekvivalentskeemidega ning vedrudest ning amortisaatoritest koosnevate viskoelastsete mudelitega. Üldiselt on IEAP-s salvestunud laeng ja tekkinud deformatsioon proportsionaalselt seotud, kuid see kehtib vaid väikeste painete ja kiirete sisendsignaali muutuste korral. Aeglasema sisendsignaali korral juhtub nii, et IEAP laminaadi laadudes tema kõverus kasvab vastavalt laengule, kuid sellele järgneb aeglasem materjali tagasivajumine algasendi suunas. Üldiselt on see ebasoovitav nähtus, mida on kirjeldatud juba nende materjalide uurimise algusest saadik. Tagasivajumine leiab aset olenemata sellest, et materjal ise jääb elektriliselt laetuks. Selline käitumine on olemuselt sarnane polümeersete materjalide jõu mõjul voolamisele ehk roomamisele, mida klassikaliselt kirjeldatakse viskoelastsete mudelitega (Kelvin-Voigt, Maxwell, standard linear solid model, jne).
Käesolevas väitekirjas esitletakse uudset elektromehaanilist mudelit, mis kirjeldab IEAP tagasivajumist kasutades standardseid viskoelastseid primitiive nagu vedru ja amortisaator. See mudel erineb kõigist varem kirjeldatud analoogsetest välise jõu rakendamise printsiibi poolest. Tema kuus parameetrit on eskaleeruvad ning tuvastatavad lihtsatest eksperimentaalsetest mõõtmistest. Doktoritöös esitletud mudel omab märkimisväärset rolli eelkõige IEAP materjalide iseloomustamisel ja kvantitatiivsel võrdlemisel, aga ka nende tööpõhimõtete selgitamisel ja vajalike juhtalgoritmide arendamisel. Näiteks avastati uurimistöö käigus, et tagasivajumise intensiivsus on otseselt seotud õhuniiskuse mõjust ioonpolümeerile. Niisugune järeldus peaks innustama edaspidisel IEAP materjalide edasiarendamisel ioonpolümeeride (näiteks Nafioni) kasutamisest loobumist.
Ionic electroactive polymers (IEAP) are smart composites, whose main components are electrically conductive electrodes, polymeric separator, and electrolyte. When an electric potential is applied between the electrodes, the ions start migrating between different layers of the composite, bending the whole laminate. In general, the charge stored in IEAP is proportional to the deformation. However, this is true only for fast changes of the input signal. For low frequency input, the IEAP bends proportionally to the charge, but relaxes slowly back towards its initial position. This phenomenon—the back-relaxation is addressed since the very first researches of the IEAP actuators, and is considered as their undesirable and inescapable feature. Back-relaxation is essentially similar to creeping of polymers, which is commonly described with viscoelastic models (Kelvin-Voigt model, Maxwell model, standard linear solid model, etc.). Nevertheless, the classical viscoelastic models are designed for external excitation. As the excitation in IEAP materials is internal, these cannot directly be tailored for IEAPs. The thesis at hand provides a novel electromechanical model, which describes the back-relaxation phenomenon of IEAP using the same standard viscoelastic primitives—spring and dashpot. The difference of the model from all previously described analogous models is the method of application of force. The six parameters of the model are scalable and identifiable from simple experiments. The developed model helps to study the fundamental working principles and develop necessary control algorithms, but is also useful for characterizing and comparing of IEAPs. For example, the research showed that the source of back-relaxation is the effect of ambient humidity on the ionic polymer. This outcome encourages the further development of IEAP materials avoiding the use of the ionic polymers.
Ionic electroactive polymers (IEAP) are smart composites, whose main components are electrically conductive electrodes, polymeric separator, and electrolyte. When an electric potential is applied between the electrodes, the ions start migrating between different layers of the composite, bending the whole laminate. In general, the charge stored in IEAP is proportional to the deformation. However, this is true only for fast changes of the input signal. For low frequency input, the IEAP bends proportionally to the charge, but relaxes slowly back towards its initial position. This phenomenon—the back-relaxation is addressed since the very first researches of the IEAP actuators, and is considered as their undesirable and inescapable feature. Back-relaxation is essentially similar to creeping of polymers, which is commonly described with viscoelastic models (Kelvin-Voigt model, Maxwell model, standard linear solid model, etc.). Nevertheless, the classical viscoelastic models are designed for external excitation. As the excitation in IEAP materials is internal, these cannot directly be tailored for IEAPs. The thesis at hand provides a novel electromechanical model, which describes the back-relaxation phenomenon of IEAP using the same standard viscoelastic primitives—spring and dashpot. The difference of the model from all previously described analogous models is the method of application of force. The six parameters of the model are scalable and identifiable from simple experiments. The developed model helps to study the fundamental working principles and develop necessary control algorithms, but is also useful for characterizing and comparing of IEAPs. For example, the research showed that the source of back-relaxation is the effect of ambient humidity on the ionic polymer. This outcome encourages the further development of IEAP materials avoiding the use of the ionic polymers.
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polümeerid, komposiitmaterjalid, modelleerimine (teadus), täiturid, intelligentsed materjalid, elektroaktiivsed polümeerid, ioonjuhtivus, polymers, composite materials, modelling (science), actuators, intelligent materials, ionic conductivity