Automaatne programmeerimisülesannete kontrollija Tartu Ülikooli kursuse “Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid” jaoks
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Käesolev töö põhineb 4 tudengi loodud programmil “Automaatne hindaja Tartu Ülikoolile” (AHUT), mis on veebipõhine rakendus tudengite programmeerimisülesannete automaatseks hindamiseks. Vajadus sellise programmi järele tekib siis, kui nii tudengeid kui ka neile antavaid ülesandeid on palju, aga tagasisidet soovitakse anda võimalikult kiirelt. Töös on kirjeldatud erinevaid varem loodud automaatseteid hindajaid, nende tööpõhimõtet ja struktuuri. Lisaks on põhjalikumalt tutvustatud AHUT programmi ennast, selle komponente ja kasutust ning viidud läbi testimine töökindluse hindamiseks ja võimalike vigade tuvastamiseks.
This thesis is based on web application “Automaatne hindaja Tartu Ülikoolile” (AHUT) created by four students from University of Tartu. This application automatically checks programming solutions submitted by computer science students for specific exercises. The need for this kind of program was arisen due to the increasing number of students which means larger workload for teachers who check these programming solutions. This paper describes a variety of automatic programming evaluation systems developed earlier, introduces the AHUT program itself and its components and deducts testing of reliability of the AHUT system.
This thesis is based on web application “Automaatne hindaja Tartu Ülikoolile” (AHUT) created by four students from University of Tartu. This application automatically checks programming solutions submitted by computer science students for specific exercises. The need for this kind of program was arisen due to the increasing number of students which means larger workload for teachers who check these programming solutions. This paper describes a variety of automatic programming evaluation systems developed earlier, introduces the AHUT program itself and its components and deducts testing of reliability of the AHUT system.