Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing
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Halvasti paranevad haavad on oluline koorem nii patsientidele kui ka tervishoiusüsteemidele. Tõhus haavahooldus on vajalik nakkuste ärahoidmiseks, mis võivad tekkida kui nahabarjäär on kahjustatud. Tavaliste paiksete ravimpreparaatide probleemiks on lühike toimeaeg haavas ning vähenenud efektiivsus liigse haavavedeliku juuresolekul, samas kui süsteemsed antibiootikumid võivad põhjustada toksilisust. Lisaks põhjustab antimikroobne resistentsus haavanakkuse ravi jaoks suuri väljakutseid ning vähendab võimalust leida sobivat ja toimivat ravimit. Käesolevas doktoritöös arendati uudseid ravimkandursüsteeme, mis võimaldaksid suurendada antimikroobsete ainete efektiivsust.
Nano- kuni mikrokiulised elektrospinnitud haavakatted võimaldavad edukalt seondada raviaineid ja seeläbi parandada nende raviainete stabiilsust ning kontrollida vabanemist.. Lisaks sellele suurendavad elektrospinnitud maatriksid, mille morfoloogia ja füsiko-keemilised omadused sarnanevad loodusliku rakuvaheaine omadustega, niiskuse tasakaalu, imendumist ja gaasivahetust haavas, soodustades seeläbi haavade paranemist.
Doktoritöö eesmärgiks oli valmistada ja iseloomustada antimikroobseid elektrospinnitud haavakatetena kasutamiseks mõeldud maatrikseid. Raviained klooramfenikool ja pleurotsidiin viidi elektrospinnitud maatriksitesse kasutades erinevaid polümeere, lahustisüsteeme ja elektrospinnimisetehnikaid. Esmalt võeti eesmärgiks valmistada poorseid kiudusid sisaldavad maatriksid. Näidati, et nende poorsete kiudude saamiseks on vajalik kasutada kõrget õhuniiskust ja sobivat lahustit. Elektrospinnitud maatriksite morfoloogiat ja mehaanilisi omadusi analüüsiti ja selgitati välja polümeeri kontsentratsiooni, kiu poorsuse ja lahustisüsteemide mõju maatriksi omadustele ja käitumisele. Elektrospinnimise protsess mõjutas nii raviaine kui ka polümeeri tahke faasi omadusi, põhjustades erinevaid faaside üleminekuid ja raviaine vabanemiskäitumist. Maatriksite hüdrofiilsus/hüdrofoobsus mõjutas raviaine vabanemiskineetikat, samas kui maatriksi morfoloogia mõjutas märgumist ja puhvri penetratsiooni. Maatriksite ohutust ja biosobivust tõestati MTS-testi ja konfokaalse fluorestsentsmikroskoopia abil. Antibakteriaalsed ja biofilmivastased omadused multiresistentsete haavapatogeenide vastu varieerusid vastavalt maatriksite erinevale morfoloogiale ja raviaine vabanemiskäitumisele. Selgus, et pleurotsidiini sisaldavate maatriksite antibakteriaalsed omadused ületasid tunduvalt värskelt valmistatud pleurotsidiini lahuse antibakteriaalseid omadusi. Lisaks näitas pleurotsidiini kombineerimine erinevate biotsiididega olulisi ja erinevaid koostoimeid. Viimaseid on vaja arvestada pleurotsidiini ja biotsiidide ravi samaaegsel kasutamisel.
Non-healing wounds constitute a significant burden to patients as well as to healthcare systems. Effective wound management is essential for controlling infections that occur when the skin barrier is compromised. Conventional topical formulations often face efficacy challenges due to their short residence time and the presence of wound exudate, while systemic antibiotics may raise toxicity concerns. Additionally, antimicrobial resistance poses a major challenge for treating wound infections, with the availability of effective drugs diminishing in recent years. This dissertation proposes novel drug delivery systems for local wound infection treatment, aiming to enhance the efficacy of antimicrobial substances. Electrospun wound dressings, characterized by their nano- to microfibrous structure, enable the incorporation of active drug substances, thereby improving drug stability and controlling release rates. Additionally, electrospun matrices exhibit morphology and physicochemical properties that closely resemble the natural extracellular matrix, enhancing moisture balance, absorption, and gas exchange, thereby promoting wound healing. The aim was to prepare and characterise antimicrobial electrospun fibrous matrices for use as wound dressings. Chloramphenicol and pleurocidin were separately incorporated into electrospun matrices using different polymers, solvent systems, and electrospinning techniques. Initially, porous fibers were developed, highlighting the crucial role of humidity and solvent in their preparation. Subsequent analyses of the morphology and mechanical properties of the electrospun matrices revealed significant influences from factors such as polymer concentration, fiber porosity, and solvent system. The electrospinning process affected the solid state of both the drug and polymer, inducing different molecular interactions and variations in the drug release profiles. The hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity ratio influenced release kinetics, while matrix morphology affected the wetting and buffer penetration abilities. The safety and biocompatibility of the matrices were confirmed through the MTS assay and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Antibacterial and antibiofilm properties against multi-resistant wound pathogens varied based on the matrix morphology and drug release behaviour, with pleurocidin-loaded matrices notably outperforming freshly made solutions. Furthermore, the phenotypical effects of combining pleurocidin with different biocides revealed diverse outcomes that must be considered for concomitant treatment applications.
Non-healing wounds constitute a significant burden to patients as well as to healthcare systems. Effective wound management is essential for controlling infections that occur when the skin barrier is compromised. Conventional topical formulations often face efficacy challenges due to their short residence time and the presence of wound exudate, while systemic antibiotics may raise toxicity concerns. Additionally, antimicrobial resistance poses a major challenge for treating wound infections, with the availability of effective drugs diminishing in recent years. This dissertation proposes novel drug delivery systems for local wound infection treatment, aiming to enhance the efficacy of antimicrobial substances. Electrospun wound dressings, characterized by their nano- to microfibrous structure, enable the incorporation of active drug substances, thereby improving drug stability and controlling release rates. Additionally, electrospun matrices exhibit morphology and physicochemical properties that closely resemble the natural extracellular matrix, enhancing moisture balance, absorption, and gas exchange, thereby promoting wound healing. The aim was to prepare and characterise antimicrobial electrospun fibrous matrices for use as wound dressings. Chloramphenicol and pleurocidin were separately incorporated into electrospun matrices using different polymers, solvent systems, and electrospinning techniques. Initially, porous fibers were developed, highlighting the crucial role of humidity and solvent in their preparation. Subsequent analyses of the morphology and mechanical properties of the electrospun matrices revealed significant influences from factors such as polymer concentration, fiber porosity, and solvent system. The electrospinning process affected the solid state of both the drug and polymer, inducing different molecular interactions and variations in the drug release profiles. The hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity ratio influenced release kinetics, while matrix morphology affected the wetting and buffer penetration abilities. The safety and biocompatibility of the matrices were confirmed through the MTS assay and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Antibacterial and antibiofilm properties against multi-resistant wound pathogens varied based on the matrix morphology and drug release behaviour, with pleurocidin-loaded matrices notably outperforming freshly made solutions. Furthermore, the phenotypical effects of combining pleurocidin with different biocides revealed diverse outcomes that must be considered for concomitant treatment applications.
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