Ajalehe Lääne Elu arengulugu ja lugejaskond
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Tartu Ülikool
This thesis is aimed at providing an overview of the development and current situation of the
county newspaper Lääne Elu, in order to assist the editorial staff in maintaining the role of the
community paper also in the future.
Lääne Elu (“Western Life”), established in 1989 in the county of Läänemaa, is a privately owned
independent newspaper. The paper was among the first to introduce modern practices of newspaper
journalism as well as Western journalistic values in Estonia, successfully defeating the previous
county paper in fierce competition. For the last 15 years, the newspaper has had a monopolistic
position in its native community.
This thesis researched the changes in the readership and the extent of target audience coverage of
Lääne Elu, juxtaposing the results with those of other Estonian county newspapers. Data from
Estonian market research companies was used for this purpose.
Interviews with opinion leaders in the county helped chart the expectations that the populace of
Läänemaa has of the community newspaper. Interviews with the founder of the paper and the
journalist with the longest tenure reflected the changes in the organisation of the work of and the
values held high by the editorial staff throughout the period of the paper’s publication.
Using content analysis, shifts in the extent of classical newsworthiness within the context of general
news, as well as the topics of the general news’ headlines were observed. In addition, structural
changes in the composition of the editorial staff were monitored.
The study reveals that within its scope and readership, Lääne Elu is capable of fulfilling the role of
the community paper — the newspaper is read by 2/3 of the adult population of the county, the
highest indicator of its kind among Estonian county papers. Yet, in recent years, readership of the
paper outside the county has steadily grown, and already more than a quarter of the readers only
access the online edition. This is a challenge to the editorial staff, as systematic development of the
online edition and active sales of advertising to this medium have yet to be initiated.
The paper is read more by senior residents of Läänemaa; propagation of the newspaper is the
smallest among the youths.
Quality of the general news stories in accordance to their newsworthiness has grown throughout the
years, while the scope of topics in the headlines of these stories has mostly stayed the same. Local
politics, history, native culture and public order are dominant among the topics, yet important issues
like subsistence and agriculture are almost absent.
Throughout the years, the manpower of the newspaper, including the editorial staff, has dwindled.
Many journalists have gone on to work for nation-wide media channels; finding replacements has
been complicated. The ability of the editorial staff to shape opinions has diminished, as has the
frequency of intra-paper discussions. The interviews suggested that the newspaper, while boasting a
strong news section, has regressed in the area of opinions and feature stories.
The thesis demonstrates to the owners and the editorial staff of “Lääne Elu” the challenges the
paper as a community periodical is facing.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd