Keskkonnaalased väärtusorientatsioonid erakondade valimisplatvormides 2011. aasta Riigikogu valimiste eel

dc.contributor.advisorKiisel, Maie, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorGold, Kristjan
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.description.abstractMy bachelor's thesis „The Value Orientations of the Natural Environment in the Political Platforms at Estonian Parliamentary Elections in 2011― tried to analyse the development of the relation of nature through politics, and observed its development from modernisational stages. The first part of the thesis focused on creating the theoretical background which is based on Max Weber's rational approach and Ulrich Beck's theory of risksociety. The first one describes the transition from traditional society to industrial society in which instrumental rationality (capital) became dominate. The second one focuses on the stage of modernisation in which instrumental rationality has brought to arise a new modernity (reflexive modernisation). Since both of the theories originate from the definiton of the society through the economical aspect, was the hypothesis of the thesis based on that. The statement in the hypothesis, that in case of environmental promises, the parties follow above all the economical and consumer based value orientations, was not confirmed. As first became institutional orientation which was followed by economical orientation. Consumer based orientation was only on the fift place of the platforms. The second part of the hypothesis, which from the first part's statement presumed that the environmental paradigm or the linear approach dominates, was confirmed. That because both of the economical and the institutional orientation represent environmental paradigm. As the result of the analyse of the paradigms and valueorientations can say, the most reflective approach on the environment is represented by the party Eestimaa Rohelised and Sotsiaaldemokraadid. Paradigmatically the party Keskerakond has the most linear programme. It would be necessary to research if and how does the reflexivity of Estonian environmental politics further develop. In case of greater objectivity the real picture of environmental politics should be researched since the political platforms give some of ideal picture of the parties promises. From the analyse of the platforms, it turned out that sub-politics have emerged, thanks to this the environmental politics have become more reflexive than they were during the local elections in 2005. Still the politics are foremost based on valueorientations which belong in linear paradigm. That is why it is necessary to emerge an ideological-ethical-ecological debate since otherwise we increase the criticism of mechanical choises and confusing politics even more. Keywords: environmenal politics, value orientations, rationalisation, paradigm.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleKeskkonnaalased väärtusorientatsioonid erakondade valimisplatvormides 2011. aasta Riigikogu valimiste eelet
