Tüübiohutu FRP teegi uurimine: Grapefruit
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Käesolev bakalaureusetöö annab lühikese ülevaate funktsionaalsest reaktiivsest programmeerimisest (FRP) ja uurib ühte Haskelli FRP teeki. Selles lõputöös uuritakse programmeerimiskeele Haskell teeki Grapefruit, mille põhilised funktsionaalsused ja võimalused tuuakse välja, tehes seda kolme näidiskoodi selgitamise kaudu. Selle töö lugeja saab hinnata teegi Grapefruit kasulikkust ja kasutajasõbralikkust.
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to give a short introduction to functional reactive programming and introduce a Haskell FRP library. This thesis shows different possibilites of a Haskell FRP library called Grapefruit by explaining three sample code’s in detail. The reader of this paper can evaluate the efficiency factor and user-friendliness of the Grapefruit library.
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to give a short introduction to functional reactive programming and introduce a Haskell FRP library. This thesis shows different possibilites of a Haskell FRP library called Grapefruit by explaining three sample code’s in detail. The reader of this paper can evaluate the efficiency factor and user-friendliness of the Grapefruit library.