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Klasteranalüüs on laia kasutusvaldkonnaga andmeanalüüsi tehnika, mille rakendamiseks on olemas mitu erinevat algoritmi. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on anda ülevaade kolme levinuma klasteranalüüsi meetodi tööpõhimõtetest ja eripäradest, rakendades hierarhilise klasterda-mise, k-keskmiste klasterdamise ja Kohoneni võrgu algoritme näidisandmestiku peal. Li-saks algoritmide tööpõhimõtetele on kirjeldatud ka põhjus, miks näidisandmestikuks on valitud visuaalsed andmed ehk pildid ning kuidas on implementeeritud klasteranalüüsi meetodite rakendamiseks kasutatav skript. Töö sisaldab ka skripti rakendamisel saadud klasterduste analüüsi.
Cluster analysis is a widely used data analysis technique that can be applied by using sev-eral different algorithms. This thesis aims to give an overview of the working principles and specifics of the three most commonly used cluster analysis methods by applying hier-archical clustering, k-means clustering and self-organizing map algorithms on sample data. In addition to the description of working principles of the clustering algorithms, there is also a description of how the script used for applying the clustering methods is implement-ed and an explanation for why visual data or pictures are chosen as the sample data. The thesis also includes an analysis of the clustering results produced by the script.
Cluster analysis is a widely used data analysis technique that can be applied by using sev-eral different algorithms. This thesis aims to give an overview of the working principles and specifics of the three most commonly used cluster analysis methods by applying hier-archical clustering, k-means clustering and self-organizing map algorithms on sample data. In addition to the description of working principles of the clustering algorithms, there is also a description of how the script used for applying the clustering methods is implement-ed and an explanation for why visual data or pictures are chosen as the sample data. The thesis also includes an analysis of the clustering results produced by the script.