Juhtmevaba iselaadiva Arduino roboti ehitamine
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on kirjeldada, kuidas ehitada Arduino robotit, mis tuvastab aku tühjenemise ning liigub laadimispunkti, kus robot hakkab laadima juhtmevabalt. Töö esimeses peatükis tutvustatakse Arduino platvormi. Teises peatükis kirjeldatakse aku tühjenemise tuvastamist. Kolmandas peatükis antakse ülevaade juhtmevabast laadimisest. Neljandas peatükis selgitatakse, kuidas jõuab robot laadimispunkti. Viiendas peatükis antakse ülevaade töö tulemustest.
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe how to build an Arduino robot which detects low battery and moves to the charging station, where the robot starts to charge wirelessly. The first chapter of the thesis introduces Arduino platform. The second chapter describes detecting low battery. The third chapter gives an overview of wireless charging. The fourth chapter explains how the robot reaches the charging station. The fifth chapter gives an overview of the results of the thesis.
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe how to build an Arduino robot which detects low battery and moves to the charging station, where the robot starts to charge wirelessly. The first chapter of the thesis introduces Arduino platform. The second chapter describes detecting low battery. The third chapter gives an overview of wireless charging. The fourth chapter explains how the robot reaches the charging station. The fifth chapter gives an overview of the results of the thesis.