Hunt ja inimene: suhted Eestis XVIII sajandi keskpaigast XIX sajandi lõpuni
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Väitekiri käsitleb hundi ja inimese vaheliste suhete põhiprobleemi-huntide arvukusest tingitud suuri kahjusid karjakasvatusele ja ohte inimeste elule ja tervisele ning sellest lähtuvalt vajadust hunte hävitada.
Sellest tulenevalt selgitab väitekiri esiteks huntide tekitatud majandusliku kahju suurust ja selle mõju talurahva elujärjele. Samuti käsitletakse nii marutaudis kui inimeseööjate huntide poolt toime pandud ründeid inimestele. Järgnevalt valgustatakse huntidevastast võitlust nende arvukuse piiramiseks, selle võitluse korraldust, käiku ja tulemusi. Väitekiri annab ka ülevaate huntide hävitamiseks kasutatud jahipidamise viisidest ja vahenditest. Lõpuks analüüsitakse hundi kui kiskja mõju esivanemate vaimuelule, selle kajastamist rahvapärimustes.
Tööle annab ajaloolise tausta ka lühiülevaade mitmete Euroopa rahvaste (inglaste, prantslaste, sakslaste, venelaste jt.) võitlusest huntide vastu.
The Thesis deals with several aspects of relations between the wolf and man, namely the loss caused by a great wolf population to animal husbandry and hazard to the human life and health, leading to a necessity to destroy wolves. Accordingly, the Thesis explains the amount of damage caused by the wolf to a rural population and its impact on the living standard of the peasants. Next, the assaults committed by wolves-man –eaters and rabid wolves against the humans are analyzed. The following topic covers the measures to cut the great number of wolves, including the arrangement of the campaigns, their practical course and results. Then, a review follows, focused on the methods and means of wolf hunting. Finally, an analysis studies the influence of wolf in the role of predator to the ancestors spiritual life and its reflection in folklore. The Thesis includes a brief historical review of the fighting European peoples, e.g. the Britons, Frenchmen, Germans, Russians, etc. against the wolf.
The Thesis deals with several aspects of relations between the wolf and man, namely the loss caused by a great wolf population to animal husbandry and hazard to the human life and health, leading to a necessity to destroy wolves. Accordingly, the Thesis explains the amount of damage caused by the wolf to a rural population and its impact on the living standard of the peasants. Next, the assaults committed by wolves-man –eaters and rabid wolves against the humans are analyzed. The following topic covers the measures to cut the great number of wolves, including the arrangement of the campaigns, their practical course and results. Then, a review follows, focused on the methods and means of wolf hunting. Finally, an analysis studies the influence of wolf in the role of predator to the ancestors spiritual life and its reflection in folklore. The Thesis includes a brief historical review of the fighting European peoples, e.g. the Britons, Frenchmen, Germans, Russians, etc. against the wolf.
hunt, inimene, rahvapärimus, inimese-looma suhe, etnoloogia, jaht, 18. saj. 2. pool, 19. saj., wolf, human, folk stories, human-animal relation, ethnology, hunting