Browsing by Author "Kurrikoff, Triin"
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Item Adrenergilise ?-2A retseptori geeni promootorpiirkonna C-1291G polümorfismi, peresuhete ja koolisuhete seos noorukite aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäiretega(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Hunt, Janne; Kurrikoff, Triin; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondItem Adrenergilise ?2A retseptori geeni promootorpiirkonna C-1291G polümorfismi seos magusa- ja piimatoodete tarbimise ning aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire sümptomitega 25- aastaste noorte hulgas(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Klade, Hele; Kurrikoff, Triin; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondItem Aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire skoori seos valkude tarbimisega 15-, 25- ja 33-aastaste seas(2023) Andresoo, Anette; Kurrikoff, Triin; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondItem Association of Impulsivity With Food, Nutrients, and Fitness in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study(2022) Matrov, Denis; Kurrikoff, Triin; Villa, Inga; Sakala, Katre; Pulver, Aleksander; Veidebaum, Toomas; Shimmo, Ruth; Harro, JaanusBackground: Impulsivity is a psychiatric vulnerability factor strongly associated with substance abuse but also with unhealthy diet. Whether these associations extend to specific nutrients is largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated the longitudinal association between diet, cardiorespiratory fitness, and 2 impulsivity dimensions in a representative sample of south Estonian adolescents and young adults. Impulsivity and dietary intake were measured 3 times in 2 birth cohorts at regular intervals in individuals aged 15 to 33 years. Methods: The sample included 2 birth cohorts of the longitudinal Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study. The analytic sample size consisted of 2883 observations (56.4% females). The primary outcomes were adaptive and maladaptive impulsivity scores measured by an original 24-item Likert-type questionnaire. Impulsivity scores were predicted from the food diaries data converted into nutrient categories. A linear mixed-effects approach was used to model the time dependence between observations. Results: Lower maladaptive impulsivity was associated with higher cardiorespiratory fitness (β = −.07; 95% CI = −0.12; −0.03). Higher maladaptive impulsivity was associated with lower dietary intake of zinc (β = −.10; −0.15; −0.06) and vegetables (β = −.04; −0.07; −0.01) and higher intake of sodium (β = .06; 0.02; 0.10). Vitamin B6 was positively associated with adaptive impulsivity (β = .04; 0.01; 0.07). Additionally, some of the adjusted models showed significant but weak associations with selenium, alcohol, fish, and cereal products. Conclusions: Food choice may affect the neurochemistry and therefore regulate the manifestations of impulsivity. We identified associations between several (micro)nutrients and maladaptive impulsivity.Item Association of the COMT Val108/158Met genotype with professional career and education: The Val-allele is more frequent in managers and in enterprising occupations(ScienceDirect, 2018-01) Kurrikoff, Triin; Kaarma, Katrin; Tooding, Liina-Mai; Vaht, Mariliis; Tulviste, Tiia; Veidebaum, Toomas; Harro, JaanusCatechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) is a key player in neurotransmission by catecholamines, and the functional COMT Val108/158Met polymorphism is strongly related to prefrontal reactivity and to dopamine levels. As dopamine is a critically important neurotransmitter in cognition, emotion and motivation, we addressed the potential impact of this genotype on life course by examining its association with being in enterprising professions. The parents (n = 1410) of the target subjects in the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study reported their current occupation, and those classified as enterprising (n = 197; 18%) were compared with the remaining group. Additionally, the subjects self-classified themselves according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations and the group of managers (6.2%) was compared to other groups. We found that the COMT Val108/158Met Val/Val homozygotes were overrepresented among enterprising occupations and the Val-allele carriers among self-classified managers. While several measures associated with the Val/Val homozygosity were also associated with enterprising occupation, no simple path from the genotype to enterprising occupations emerged from structural equation models, suggesting that the COMT Val108/158Met genotype contributes to choices of profession via multiple interactive features. We also reproduced a previous finding that the COMT genotype is associated with educational attainment in a gender-dependent manner.Item Cholecystokinin B receptor gene polymorphism (rs2941026) is associated with anxious personality and suicidal thoughts in a longitudinal study(2022) Lvovs, Aneth; Matrov, Denis; Kurrikoff, Triin; Veidebaum, Toomas; Harro, JaanusObjectives: Cholecystokinin is a neuropeptide with a role in the neurobiology of adaptive behaviour that is implicated in anxiety disorders, while the underlying mechanisms currently remain insufficiently explained. The rs2941026 variation in the cholecystokinin B receptor gene has previously been associated with trait anxiety. Our aim was to investigate associations between the CCKB receptor gene polymorphism rs2941026 with anxiety, personality, depressiveness and suicidality in a longitudinal study of late adolescence and early adulthood. Methods: We used reports on trait and state anxiety, depressiveness and suicidal thoughts, as well as Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales, from the two birth cohorts of the Estonian Children Personality, Behaviour and Health Study. We measured associations between the CCKBR gene rs2941026 and anxiety-related phenotypes both longitudinally and cross-sectionally at ages 15, 18, 25 and 33. Results: Homozygosity for both alleles of the CCKBR rs2941026 was associated with higher trait and state anxiety in the longitudinal analysis. Cross-sectional comparisons were statistically significant at ages 18 and 25 for trait anxiety and at ages 25 and 33 for state anxiety. Higher depressiveness and suicidal thoughts were associated with the A/A genotype at age 18. Additionally, homozygosity for the A-allele was related to higher FEAR and SADNESS in the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales. The genotype effects were more apparent in females, who displayed higher levels of negative affect overall. Conclusions: CCKBR genotype is persistently associated with negative affect in adolescence and young adulthood. The association of the CCKBR rs2941026 genotype with anxiety-related phenotypes is more pronounced in females.Item Elamustele orienteeritus kõrge ja madala ATH skooriga ettevõtlikel ja mitteettevõtlikel ametikohtadel töötavatel noortel täiskasvanutel(2023) Peetso, Loona Paula; Kurrikoff, Triin; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondItem Family environment interacts with CRHR1 rs17689918 to predict mental health and behavioral outcomes(2018) Roy, Arunima; Laas, Kariina; Kurrikoff, Triin; Reif, Andreas; Veidebaum, Toomas; Lesch, Klaus-Peter; Harro, JaanusItem Impulsiivsuse ja riskeeriva liikluskäitumise seosed vereliistakute monoamiinide oksüdaasiga : bakalaureusetöö(Tartu Ülikool, 2004) Kurrikoff, Triin; Paaver, Marika, juhendaja; Harro, Jaanus, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituutItem Interpersonal relationships and behaviour: moderation by functional gene variants(2012-10-05) Kurrikoff, TriinMiks sattus ema otsinguil sekeldustesse just Kalevipoeg, mitte teised vennad? Kas see oli juhus või oli Kalevipojal juba sündides rohkem eelduseid mõtlematuks käitumiseks? Küllap on sarnane küsimus, kohandatuna enda perekondlikele oludele, mingil hetkel ilmunud paljude lapsevanemate pähe. Oleks küll üleliigne väita, et minu doktoritöö annab taolistele küsimusele lõpliku vastuse, kuid see panustab omapoolselt valdkonda, mis uurib inimeste käitumisviiside erinevuste põhjuseid. Seda, kas ja kuidas on käitumisviisidega seotud geenid ja keskkond. Uurisin kolme erinevat geeni. Nende kõigi puhul ilmnes, et uuritud geenide mõni või mõned genotüübid on seotud teatud käitumisviisidega – impulsiivsuse ja/või depressiivsusega. Kuid seda peamiselt juhul, kui uuritud noored kasvasid peres täis tülitsemist, vägivalda, alavääristamist või kus puudus soojus ja toetus. Näiteks olid n.ö riskigenotüübiga noored vaenulike peresuhete korral enda hinnangul väga mõtlematu käitumisviisiga. See omakorda võiks viia sarnaselt Kalevipojaga tüli tekkimiseni Soome sepaga, Saare neiu ründamiseni või muude probleemideni. Sama geeni mõne teise genotüübiga noorte mõtlematusele ei avaldanud aga peresuhted mingit mõju. Kuid mis juhtub, kui sama „riskigenotüübiga“ kaasneb toetav keskkond heade peresuhete näol? Ilmnes, et sel juhul võivad „riskigenotüübiga“ noormehed olla teistest märgatavalt kiiremad tegutsejad selleks sobilikes olukordades. Nagu näiteks vihases võitluses, tulises tapluses. Nad võivad olla ka suurema seiklusjanuga ja ekstravertsemad, mis võib neist vajaduse korral head eestvedajad teha. Naiste puhul ilmnes, et ehkki „riskigenotüüpide“ puhul kaasnes mittetoetavate peresuhete olemasoluga suurem mõtlematus, olid heade lähisuhete puhul „riskigenotüüpidega“ naistel tunduvalt madalamad depressiivsuseskoorid. Seega - olgugi, et geenid ja keskkond üksi mõjutavad vaid pisitillukest osa meie käitumisest, kasvatavad head peresuhted meist ka „riskigenotüüpide“ olemasolul suurema tõenäosusega kangeid „Kalevite poegi“. Ja tütreid.Item Isiksuseomaduste, aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire, majanduslike näitajate seos välismaal õppimise ja töötamisega Eesti laste isiksuse, käitumise ja tervise uuringu valimi põhjal(2022) Vapper, Kätriin; Kurrikoff, Triin; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondItem Orexin/hypocretin receptor gene (HCRTR1) variation is associated with aggressive behaviour(ScienceDirect, 2019-09) Harro, Jaanus; Laas, Kariina; Eensoo, Diva; Kurrikoff, Triin; Sakala, Katre; Vaht, Mariliis; Parik, Jüri; Mäestu, Jarek; Veidebaum, ToomasOrexins, alternatively called hypocretins, are neuropeptides with crucial role in maintaining wakefulness. The orexin system is thought to mediate a coordinated defense response but thus far investigated from the flight, but never fight, response perspective. An HCRTR1 gene variant (rs2271933 G > A) leading to amino acid substitution (Ile408Val) has been associated with migraine and mood disorders. We genotyped, and assessed aggressive behaviour in both birth cohorts (n = 655 and 583) of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study (ECPBHS). Measures of aggressiveness were collected at age 25 or 33 and data on stressful life events (SLE-s) at age 15. Violations of traffic law were monitored in the samples of the Estonian Psychobiological Study of Traffic Behaviour. In both birth cohorts of the ECPBHS, the HCRTR1 the A/A homozygotes reported higher aggression in both Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the Life History of Aggression Interview. With either measure of aggressiveness, the HCRTR1 genotype effect was dependent on experience of SLE, the highest level of aggressiveness increase by environment being found in female A/A homozygotes. The HCRTR1 A/A homozygotes scored higher in the ANGER facet of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale, while such an effect on FEAR was found only in females. Male HCRTR1 A/A homozygotes were more likely to relapse into drunk driving of a passenger car, and in two independent samples the A-allele carriers were causing traffic accidents more often. Conclusively, self-report, interview, and traffic record data converge indicating that the HCRTR1 Ile408Val genotype is associated with aggressiveness and breach of law. This article is part of the Special Issue entitled ‘Current status of the neurobiology of aggression and impulsivity’.Item Peresuhete seosed alkoholi tarbimise, riskeeriva liikluskäitumise, impulsiivsuse ja elamustejanuga(Tartu Ülikool, 2006) Kurrikoff, Triin; Harro, Maarike, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Arstiteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Tervishoiu instituutItem Positiivse afektiivsuse mõju haridusele, sissetulekule ja ametistaatusele kõrge ja madala aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire skooriga inimestel(2022) Kook, Eha; Kurrikoff, Triin; Tartu Ülikool. Psühholoogia instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondItem Variants of the aggression-related RBFOX1 gene in a population representative birth cohort study: aggressiveness, personality and alcohol use disorder(2020) Vaht, Mariliis; Laas, Kariina; Fernàndez-Castillo, Noèlia; Kurrikoff, Triin; Kanarik, Margus; Faraone, Stephen V.; Tooding, Liina-Mai; Veidebaum, Toomas; Franke, Barbara; Reif, Andreas; Cormand, Bru; Harro, JaanusBackground Recently RBFOX1, a gene encoding an RNA binding protein, has consistently been associated with aggressive and antisocial behaviour. Several loci in the gene have been nominally associated with aggression in genome-wide association studies; the risk alleles being more frequent in general population. We have hence examined the association of four RBFOX1 single nucleotide polymorphisms, previously found related to aggressive traits, with aggressiveness, personality, and alcohol use disorder in birth cohort representative samples. Methods We used both birth cohorts of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study (ECPBHS; original n=1,238). Aggressiveness was assessed using the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire and the Lifetime History of Aggressiveness structured interview at age 25 (younger cohort) or 33 (older cohort). Big Five personality at age 25 was measured with self reports and the lifetime occurrence of alcohol use disorder assessed with the MINI interview. RBFOX1 polymorphisms rs809682, rs8062784, rs12921846 and rs6500744 were genotyped in all participants. Given the restricted size of the sample, correction for multiple comparisons was not applied. Results Aggressiveness was not significantly associated with RBFOX1 genotype. RBFOX1 rs8062784 was associated with neuroticism and rs809682 with extraversion. Two out of four analyzed RBFOX1 variants, rs8062784, and rs12921846, were associated with occurrence of alcohol use disorder. Conclusions In the birth cohort representative sample of the ECPBHS, no association of RBFOX1 with aggressiveness was found, but RBFOX1 variants affected basic personality traits and the prevalence of alcohol use disorder. Future studies on RBFOX1 should consider the moderating role of personality and alcohol use patterns in aggressiveness.