Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
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Kirje Codex der Preetzer Benediktinerinnen in dem Estnischen Historischen Museum zu Tallinn(Swedish Society for Music Research, 1996) Siitan, ToomasKirje Von der Semantik der textlichen und musikalischen Symmetrie der Bachkantate "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" (BWV 106)(Klett-Cotta, 2010) Siitan, ToomasKirje Michael Hahn – ein Schütz-Schüler und seine musikalische Umgebung in Narva um 1670(Internationale Heinrich-Schütz-Gesellschaft, 2012) Siitan, Toomas; Linfield, Eva, toimetaja; Krummacher, Friedhelm, toimetaja; Breig, Werner, toimetaja; Werbeck, Walter, toimetajaKirje Introduction(Arvo Pärt Centre, 2014) Siitan, Toomas; Rosma, Hedi, toimetaja; Kõrver, Kristina, toimetaja; Kutman, Kai, toimetajaKirje Theoretical Approaches to Heterophony(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2016) Pärtlas, Žanna; Pärtlas, Žanna, koostajaHeterophony is one of the basic principles by which a multilinear texture comes about in the music of oral tradition. It can be found in many cultures both as a particular form of music making and as a component of more complex multipart practices. Heterophony is also a very intriguing topic for ethnomusicological investigation, especially if the researcher intends to describe this phenomenon at the theoretical level. The problems start with the very notion of ‘heterophony’, and in attempting to resolve them the researcher is faced with the ambiguity of such basic terms as polyphony, monophony, unison, etc. The reason why heterophonic music is especially difficult to describe using standard European terminology is that the phenomenon of heterophony, being intrinsically connected with oral and collective music creation, has no direct analogies in Western written music. The present article aims to interpret heterophony as a musical, social and psychological phenomenon, using and merging different approaches – music-analytical, anthropological and cognitive. The article also discusses the use of the ethnomusicological terminology connected with a musical texture – especially the umbrella terms for multilinear music – and searches for a more inclusive, yet differentiative and limiting definition of heterophony.Kirje Ruumitaju loomine ja suunamine kui postdramaatilise dramaturgi peamine töövahend. Struktureerimata ruumikogemuse dramaturgilisest disainimisest 21. sajandi teatris ja sellest väljaspool(Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, 2017) Jõepera, MarionKäesolev töö „Ruumitaju loomine ja suunamine kui postdramaatilise dramaturgi peamine töövahend” on osa doktoriõppe loomingulis-uurimuslikust projektist. Uurimistöös kaardistatakse, analüüsitakse ja katsetatakse keelelis-dramaturgilisi tehnikaid, mis kuuluvad postdramaatilise dramaturgi peamiste töövahendite hulka. Kuna postdramaatiline teater seab nii dramaturgile kui ka tekstile uued nõudmised, uuritakse töös, milliste vahendite abil loob dramaturg postdramaatilistesse mängumaailmadesse taolisi peidetud dramaturgia struktuure, milles osalevad mängijatena nii etendajad kui ka publik ning mis võimaldavad mängijal tänu dramaturgi loodud muudatustele (katkestustele) tema ruumitajus mängumaailmaga uut moodi suhestuda. Praktikas katsetatud meetodite abil ning lähtudes dramaturgilistest, psühholoogilistest, psühholingvistilistest ja ruumitaju teooriatest, proovitakse kaardistada peamised tehnikad ja töövahendid, mida kasutavad postdramaatilised dramaturgid oma ühe olulisema professionaalse eesmärgi saavutamiseks – loomaks mängijale (kehalise) kogemuse muutuvast ruumist. Saadud tulemuste põhjal tehakse uurimistöös ennustusi ka selle kohta, millised on postdramaatilise dramaturgi tööülesanded ja väljakutsed tulevikus.Kirje Musical Motion Graphics – Communicating Live Electronic Music(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Fischer, Christian M.; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaLive electronic music, including acoustic instruments and electronic sound generation and manipulation, faces specific challenges regarding its composition and performance. There is no music notation available which could equally represent the acoustic and the computer instrument. Due to the often complex musical structure and the possible lack of expressiveness during the performance, live electronic music is not easily accessible for the audience. These challenges are based on a lack of communication. This article discusses the use of Musical Motion Graphics (MMG) linked to visual communication theory to tackle the above-mentioned challenges. MMG cannot be considered as music notation in the sense of western music notation since the eighteenth century since its aim is not a normative canon or universal validity. Nevertheless, it has a music notational purpose, which manifests in video scores. It offers an open framework of so-called determined ambiguity, allowing the mapping of visual and acoustic parameters. MMG communicates time structure and indicates musical objects and their relations. The exact synchronisation of actions and events of all the instruments involved is possible. An MMG score supports audience understanding of the music by visualising the composition through an intuitively understandable score.Kirje “Stalin is a wise man, Lenin was a little bird.” On Creating Soviet Folklore in the Seto Region during the Stalin Era(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Kalkun, Andreas; Oras, Janika; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaThe article focuses on the creation of songs about Soviet leaders and topical political issues by traditional singers of Setomaa (which is situated on either side of the border between south-eastern Estonia and Russia) during the Stalinist period. The first half of the article deals with the establishing of the concept and practices of creating folklore in the Soviet Union and the adaptation of these in occupied Estonia in the 1940s and 1950s. The cooperation of the singers and folklorists is analysed from the perspective of the “topography of the possible” in the context of a Soviet colonial matrix of power and the modernisation of Seto traditional culture, also including the oral singing tradition and gender roles. In addition to these general processes, details of particular singers’ individual experiences are also considered. The analysis of the song texts using the method of close reading focuses on religious and lament motifs, hyperbole, and the “incorrect” interpretations, the latter being based on the traditional religious worldview of the Seto as well as on formulaic language, which diverges from “normative” ideological discourse. The publishing history of the political songs is interpreted from the perspective of cultural appropriation.Kirje Muusikateadusliku elu kroonikat 2017/2018(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Klooren, Äli-Ann; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaKirje Mart Jaanson. Eesti muusika 100 aastat. Tallinn 2018(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Tool, Aare; Kõlar, Anu, koostajaKirje The Emergence of Estonian Hip-Hop in the 1990s(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Vallaste, Triin; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaIn this article I trace the ways in which hip-hop as a global form of expression has become indigenized in post-Soviet Estonia. Hip-hop’s indigenization coincides with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. After the dissolution of the USSR, dominant Estonian social discourses eagerly celebrated re-entering the European-American world and embracing its values. The uncensored global media outlets accessible after 1991 and rapid developments in information technology shortly thereafter were crucial to the history of Estonian-language rap. Hip-hop artists’ extensive involvement with new media and technologies reflects an extremely swift transition from ill-equipped to fluent manipulation of technology, which affected cultural production and structures of participation in various sociocultural spheres. While hip-hop culture emerged in the South Bronx during the early 1970s as a radical voice against increasing economic hardship and social marginalization, Estonian hip-hop was established in the early 1990s and developed in the context of a rapidly growing economy, rising living standards, and strong national feeling within a re-independent Estonian state. Hip-hop artists’ production vividly reveals both the legacies of Soviet rule and the particular political economy of post-Soviet Estonia.Kirje Functions and Techniques of Critique in Contemporary Estonian Theatre(Narr Verlag, 2018) Linder, Eva-LiisaThis article examines the techniques of scenic criticism in contemporary Estonian theatre. The examples vary in scale and style from the huge political show Unified Estonia by Theatre NO99 (2010) with 7500 participants, which investigated the crisis of democracy in a posttotalitarian country, to the self-ironic search for identity of the small ethnic community called Setos in How to Sell a Seto? (2012). This theatrical piece tackled tragic autobiographical choices of young Setos: old traditions versus contemporary trends, village versus city, building or selling their symbolic capital.Kirje Possible Mental Models for the Conductor to Support the Ensemble Playing of the Orchestra(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Gerts, Mihhail; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaThe paper attempts to identify tools to enable the conductor to prevent problems in ensemble playing (keeping performers together). The purpose is to derive systematic mental models, the implementation of which would enable the conductor to prevent or reduce musical losses in the typical problematic situations that inevitably arise during performance. The author analyses passages from some of the musical works he conducted at the Estonian National Opera at the time of his doctoral studies (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, 2007–2011). The aim is to identify, from individual cases which led to success or failure, certain more general principles. Through the analysis of typical situations mental models are derived, and their implementation in practical conducting is described. The passages analysed come mainly from orchestrally accompanied recitative. This choice, based primarily on the fact that stage music and especially such passages clearly highlight problems of ensemble, also highlights the desire to connect theoretical research with practical problems experienced while conducting. The methodological model is based on the work of conductor and psychologist Georgy Yerzhemsky, additionally supplemented by the opinions of many other conductors.Kirje A Pianist’s Approach to Complex Musical Material in Ligeti’s Études(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Kapten, Kristi; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaThis article deals with performer’s experiences in handling the pianistic challenges in the demanding études of György Ligeti (1923–2006). The article analyses possible approaches to the complicated musical material and describes how to master the études as effectively as possible through specific practice methods. Ligeti’s études are among the most complex pieces of piano music, demanding exceptional virtuosity and concentration from the pianist. An important structural component of the études is complicated polyrhythm, which makes learning and performing them particularly intense mentally. There are many polymetric passages where the pianist must choose which metre to proceed from in cognitive terms in order to achieve both technical confidence and the desired musical effect. The author gives examples of experiments with different metrical feelings in the work process and describes different technical and mental practice methods which prove useful for learning Ligeti’s études. The research is based on the author’s experiences while practising and performing Ligeti’s études, analysing notes taken during the preparatory phase. The main method is self reflection. In addition, other pianists’ thoughts have been gathered from conversations, master classes and literature.Kirje Kevin C. Karnes. Arvo Pärt’s Tabula Rasa. New York 2017(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Siitan, Toomas; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaKirje Kurblugu Helme ja Paistu orelite hävitamisest 1329. aastal paganlike leedulaste poolt(National Archives of Estonia, 2018) Siitan, ToomasKirje Eduard Tubin. Barbara von Tiesenhusen. Opera in three acts and nine scenes. Score, Piano score, Tallinn 2016(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Siems, Christoph; Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostajaKirje Viini salvestised ja Berliini salvestised(Eesti Kirjanike Liit, 2018) Ross, JaanKirje Autorid/Authors(Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2018) Pappel, Kristel, koostaja; Uusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostaja