PlantSoilAdapt - Evolutsioonilised muutused taimede ja mulla vahelistes interaktsioonides maakasutuse muutudes: tagajärjed mulla funktsioneerimisele ja põuakindlusele

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Projekt uurib kuidas evolutsioonilised muutused taimede ja mulla vahelistes interaktsioonides maakasutuse muutudes mõjutavad mulla funktsioneerimist ja rohumaade põuakindlust.


Recent Submissions

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    Intraspecific plant–soil feedback in four tropical tree species is inconsistent in a field experiment
    (2024) Eck, Jenalle L.; Hassan, Lourdes Hernández; Comita, Liza S.
    Premise Soil microbes can influence patterns of diversity in plant communities via plant–soil feedbacks. Intraspecific plant–soil feedbacks occur when plant genotype leads to variations in soil microbial composition, resulting in differences in the performance of seedlings growing near their maternal plants versus seedlings growing near nonmaternal conspecific plants. How consistently such intraspecific plant–soil feedbacks occur in natural plant communities is unclear, especially in variable field conditions. Methods In an in situ experiment with four native tree species on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, seedlings of each species were transplanted beneath their maternal tree or another conspecific tree in the BCI forest. Mortality and growth were assessed at the end of the wet season (~4 months post-transplant) and at the end of the experiment (~7 months post-transplant). Results Differences in seedling performance among field treatments were inconsistent among species and eroded over time. Effects of field environment were detected at the end of the wet season in two of the four species: Virola surinamensis seedlings had higher survival beneath their maternal tree than other conspecific trees, while seedling survival of Ormosia macrocalyx was higher under other conspecific trees. However, these differences were gone by the end of the experiment. Conclusions Our results suggest that intraspecific plant–soil feedbacks may not be consistent in the field for tropical tree species and may have a limited role in determining seedling performance in tropical tree communities. Future studies are needed to elucidate the environmental and genetic factors that determine the incidence and direction of intraspecific plant–soil feedbacks in plant communities.
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    A trait-based framework linking the soil metabolome to plant–soil feedbacks
    (2023) Delory, Benjamin M.; Callaway, Ragan M.; Semchenko, Marina
    By modifying the biotic and abiotic properties of the soil, plants create soil legacies that can affect vegetation dynamics through plant–soil feedbacks (PSF). PSF are generally attributed to reciprocal effects of plants and soil biota, but these interactions can also drive changes in the identity, diversity and abundance of soil metabolites, leading to more or less persistent soil chemical legacies whose role in mediating PSF has rarely been considered. These chemical legacies may interact with microbial or nutrient legacies to affect species coexistence. Given the ecological importance of chemical interactions between plants and other organisms, a better understanding of soil chemical legacies is needed in community ecology. In this Viewpoint, we aim to: highlight the importance of belowground chemical interactions for PSF; define and integrate soil chemical legacies into PSF research by clarifying how the soil metabolome can contribute to PSF; discuss how functional traits can help predict these plant–soil interactions; propose an experimental approach to quantify plant responses to the soil solution metabolome; and describe a testable framework relying on root economics and seed dispersal traits to predict how plant species affect the soil metabolome and how they could respond to soil chemical legacies.
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    Symbiont plasticity as a driver of plant success
    (2024) Zobel, Martin; Koorem, Kadri; Moora, Mari; Semchenko, Marina; Davison, John
    We discuss which plant species are likely to become winners, that is achieve the highest global abundance, in changing landscapes, and whether plant-associated microbes play a determining role. Reduction and fragmentation of natural habitats in historic landscapes have led to the emergence of patchy, hybrid landscapes, and novel landscapes where anthropogenic ecosystems prevail. In patchy landscapes, species with broad niches are favoured. Plasticity in the degree of association with symbiotic microbes may contribute to broader plant niches and optimization of symbiosis costs and benefits, by downregulating symbiosis when it is unnecessary and upregulating it when it is beneficial. Plasticity can also be expressed as the switch from one type of mutualism to another, for example from nutritive to defensive mutualism with increasing soil fertility and the associated increase in parasite load. Upon dispersal, wide mutualistic partner receptivity is another facet of symbiont plasticity that becomes beneficial, because plants are not limited by the availability of specialist partners when arriving at new locations. Thus, under conditions of global change, symbiont plasticity allows plants to optimize the activity of mutualistic relationships, potentially allowing them to become winners by maximizing geographic occupancy and local abundance.