Tarkvara loomine erinevate k-keskmiste algoritmide rakendamiseks
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Klasteranalüüsis on laialt levinud k-keskmiste meetod, mis võimaldab andmeid grupeerida nende tunnuste järgi, seejuures minimeerides ruutvigade summat klastrites olevate andmeobjektide ja vastava klastri keskpunktide vahel. Kuna k-keskmiste meetodi kui optimeerimisülesandele täpse lahenduse leidmine on NP-raske, siis on probleemi lahendamiseks võetud kasutusele mitmeid lähendeid otsivaid algoritme. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgina valmis rakendus, mis lubab kasutada viit k-keskmiste klasterdusalgoritmi ja nelja algsete keskpunktide valimise meetodit. Kasutades nii reaalelulisi kui ka sünteetilisi andmestikke antakse ülevaade rakenduses implementeeritud algoritmide jõudlusest, mälukasutusest ja edukusest leida hea lähend k-keskmiste optimeerimisülesandele.
In cluster analysis k-means method is a method popularly used for grouping data by their features. The method aims to minimize within-cluster sum of squared errors between data objects in clusters and their corresponding center means. Because solving k-means optimization task exactly is NP-hard there have been introduced several heuristic algorithms for finding approximations. As the goal of the thesis a software was made, which enables use of nine different algorithms, which are 5 k-means clustering algorithms and 4 methods for choosing initial centers. Using real life and synthetic datasets an overview of the application’s capabilities is given by measuring algorithms performance, memory use and approximation capabilities.
In cluster analysis k-means method is a method popularly used for grouping data by their features. The method aims to minimize within-cluster sum of squared errors between data objects in clusters and their corresponding center means. Because solving k-means optimization task exactly is NP-hard there have been introduced several heuristic algorithms for finding approximations. As the goal of the thesis a software was made, which enables use of nine different algorithms, which are 5 k-means clustering algorithms and 4 methods for choosing initial centers. Using real life and synthetic datasets an overview of the application’s capabilities is given by measuring algorithms performance, memory use and approximation capabilities.