The Representation of Bodily Autonomy in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening



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Tartu Ülikool


The aim of this thesis is to analyse how autonomy and bodily autonomy are represented in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. The novel was published in 1899 and was initially criticised for its representation of marriage. It was re-evaluated in the 1950s by scholars, celebrated in the 1970s by feminists and is now acclaimed worldwide. The introduction offers a brief summary of the plot and explains the changing reception of the novel. The literature review provides an overview of topics related to autonomy that scholars have discussed. The topics include motherhood, female archetypes, and emancipation. The empirical section analyses the representation of autonomy and focuses on the narrowersubtopic of bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy is defined in the thesis as the individual’s right to make decisions regarding their body. The empirical analysis covers three topics: the oppressive nature of the marital institution, choosing one’s own partner and suicide as an act of bodily autonomy. The conclusion presents the findings of the analysis.



Chopin, Kate, inglise keel, kirjandus, feminism, autonoomia, arhetüübid, emadus
