Anglistika bakalaureusetööd – Bachelor's theses

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    Comparative analysis of activity instructions of the study materials Step by Step 1 and Step by Step 3
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Ujuk, Rebekah; Zagura, Natalja, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The motivation to write this thesis comes from the wish to comparatively analyze the study materials of different skill levels suggested to students of English as a foreign language in Estonian schools. The aim of this thesis is to comparatively analyze how the study materials Step by Step 1 and Step by Step 3 meet the required language proficiency levels of their respective learners. The research question for this paper is “In which ways do the activity instructions of the study materials Step by Step 1 and Step by Step 3 compare and contrast in reference to their respective language proficiency level?” The thesis consists of an introduction, which presents the background of the thesis and its purpose, the literature review of background knowledge on written instruction language, the comparative analysis of the study materials and the conclusion, after which the references and appendices follow. The materials used for the analysis are the Step by Step 1 and Step by Step 3 workbooks and the Companion volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. For the methodology, the two workbooks are introduced, the chosen activity instructions are presented and comparatively analyzed, and finally conclusions are presented.
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    The Effect of Postcolonial Trauma on Familial Relationships in Tomson Highway’s Kiss of the Fur Queen
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Tosheska, Kristel; Rein, Eva, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    This thesis argues that the development of intergenerational and intergenerational relationships in Tomson Highway’s novel Kiss of the Fur Queen, a semi-autobiographical work which follows two Cree brothers, Champion and Ooneemeetoo Okimasis living inCanada, is greatly disrupted by the acculturation and christianization of the indigenous peoples. Previous research on the novel has focused on the brothers’ trauma recovery and reconnection to their Cree heritage. Through analyzing the key moments in the novel by using close reading, modern trauma theory and postcolonial trauma theory, this thesis argues that the intergenerational and intragenerational relationships in the novel are greatly affected by the acculturation and christianization experienced by both the brothers and their parents, as the physical and cultural separation of children from their family and community causes long-lasting damage to the emotional and mental connection between generations. The brothers, while close in their childhood, drift apart from one another during their adolescence and adulthood as they interpret and understand the traumatic experiences of their childhood differently, which causes conflict between them. Meanwhile the brothers’ relationship with their parents is conflicted due to the physical separation between the family when the brothers attended residential school and which causes Champion and Ooneemeetoo to feel disconnected from their family and Cree community.
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    Sentiment analysis of popular song lyrics in the US from the 1990s and 2010s
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Toomsalu, Markus; Klavan, Jane, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    Popular music is significant in today’s society, reflecting our emotions and cultural trends. While nowadays listeners often focus mostly on melodies and rhythms of a song, they do not pay attention to the messages that these songs are trying to convey. From a linguistic point of view, analyzing the sentiments in popular music offers valuable insights into societal values, cultural shifts, and music preferences. This study aims to conduct a quantitative corpus study in order to even further broaden the field of using sentiment analysis to study song lyrics by looking at the popular songs in the United States from the 1990s and 2010s. In order to do so, the SentiStrength software was used with the goal of highlighting its capabilities in this field. A specialized corpus consisting of songs that had reached the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 during those decades was compiled for analysis of these sentiments. The research question for this study intended to understand how the results of the sentiments of both decades differed. The BA thesis is divided into three sections: the introduction, literature review, and empirical analysis. It begins with an introductory section that defines the term “popular music”, discusses the reasons for conducting this study, and provides an overview of the upcoming sections. The literature review focuses on defining sentiment analysis alongside its classifications and limitations, the importance of song lyrics and popular music, and discusses previous works on similar topics. The empirical analysis section focuses on the compilation of the song corpus, explains the nature and functionality of SentiStrength, followed by a presentation of the results of the study and finally a discussion section. The entire thesis ends with a conclusion which summarizes the key points brought out in the course of the study.
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    Grammatical features of African American Vernacular English in Lyrics and Interviews of $uicideboy$ : BA thesis
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Zimarin, Daria; Klavan, Jane, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    This paper aims to add to the discussion on the usage of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) by non-African-Americans, specifically white rappers. This discussion is valuable, as it may help to understand the current status of AAVE in the US and elsewhere, as AAVE seems to have spread to different ethnic communities beyond the African American ones. As rap and hip-hop culture have played a major role in this, this thesis focuses on the white rapper duo – $uicideboy$. The proposition of this thesis is that $uicideboy$ employ more grammatical features of AAVE in their song lyrics than in their interview speech, demonstrating that AAVE usage in their lyrics might have been a conscious decision. Thus, the results of this paper can also contribute to the understanding of rap music as a linguistic register and ascertain the linguistic devices employed in this register. First, this paper discusses the history of AAVE and presents the features to be used in the analysis. Among other things, it explores the definitions of rap and hip-hop, as well as register and genre. Then, the corpus-based analysis of the grammatical features, conducted with the help of such tools as UNIX and Whisper, is presented and discussed in detail.
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    Eucatastrophe and Evangelium: The Christian Vision of the Heroic in The Lord of the Rings
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Siibak, Romeo; Rajamäe, Pilvi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The thesis explores the concept of heroism in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, specifically focusing on the characters Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam from the Fellowship of the Ring. The analysis is conducted in relation to the Christian belief expressed in the Gospels, which states that the greatest act of love is sacrificing one’s life for others. Tolkien’s high fantasy novel contains a eucatastrophic tale that highlights the themes of death, resurrection, and true immortality, having numerous parallels to the accounts of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection in the Gospels. The thesis consists of an introduction, two main chapters, and a conclusion. The introduction gives background information on the epic fantasy tale of The Lord of the Rings,provides information on Tolkien’s worldview and highlights the Christian nature of themoral qualities of the tale’s heroes. The introduction also includes the aim of the thesis. The first main chapter is a literature review that provides an overview of the protagonists Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam as the archetypal figures of Christian heroism in The Lord of the Rings, as discussed in literary criticism, and death and immortality as the main themes, along with eucatastrophe that acts as a resolution for the tale. The second main chapter analyses the theological virtues of faith, hope and love as the compelling forces of the protagonists in The Lord of the Rings. The chapter is divided into two subchapters that focus on the theological virtues and their transformative effect on the protagonists, respectively. The conclusion summarises the main findings of the thesis.
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    Extreme adjective intensification among Estonian speakers of English as a foreign language
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Roos, Reena; Torn-Leesik, Reeli, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    Intensifiers as adjective modifiers are used to add emphasis or express emotion and are thus inherently subjective. This subjectivity may cause differences in perception, which may influence the effectiveness of communication. Therefore, researching adjective intensification by speakers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) can improve understanding of their communicative effectiveness in English-speaking contexts, which may prove useful in teaching English to EFL learners. Thus, to contribute to this area of research, this thesis aims to map the tendencies and justifications of English adjective intensification among Estonian EFL speakers, focusing on extreme adjectives and some of the more common amplifiers, very in particular, to determine any differences between L1 English speakers and Estonian EFL speakers in terms of adjective intensification in spoken discourse. To this end, an online survey was conducted, which included a grammar task in two parts, imitating spoken discourse. Part A, recording frequency patterns in the use of intensifiers, required quantitative analysis, whereas Part B, recording explanations for certain intensification choices, was analysed qualitatively. 81 people participated in the survey, 69 of whom were L1 Estonian speakers, and 12 were L1 English speakers functioning as the control group. This thesis consists of two main sections. Section One reviews the relevant literature, defines key concepts, and introduces the implications for the present study. Section Two focuses on the empirical analysis, providing a detailed description of the methodology and reporting the results. Section Two concludes with a discussion of the findings.
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    The Crucial Role of Literature in Interpreting Pain as Represented in Mona Awad’s All’s Well
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Poobus, Kaidi; Rein, Eva, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The representation of invisible disability, such as chronic pain, has increased in the past decade or two. However, there are still shortcomings to its adequate portrayal in literature. Mona Awad’s All’s Well is a novel that accurately renders the reality of chronic pain while highlighting the problems surrounding the depiction of pain in literature. This thesis aims to discuss the lacking awareness and vocabulary of pain, and consideration that every pain experience is unique. The introduction of this paper explains the key terms of disability and pain, the genre of the chosen novel and its context. The methodology includes an analysis of previous scholarship and a close reading of All’s Well. The literature review discusses disability and pain in literature based on the works of key critics Sontag, Neilson, Scarry, and Chivers. The empirical study consists of an analysis of All’s Well. It addresses the shortcomings concerning the language of pain and emphasises the importance of awareness of the pain experience on the example of the protagonist of the novel. The empirical part analyses also the intertextual references to Shakespeare’s plays All’s Well That Ends Well and Macbeth by which the pain experience as well as the changes of a pain sufferer during and after being in pain are treated in Awad’s novel. The conclusion summarises the main findings of the thesis
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    A Study On the Translation of Stream of Consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Põldmaa, Kady; Gielen, Katiliina, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    Translation studies influence the promotion of intercultural dialogue between smaller languages and more widely spoken ones. This dialogue may aid in advocating towards cultural and linguistic diversity and preservation and possibly lead to a more connected world. The roughly 1.1 million native speakers make Estonian a small language, which might influence the availability of resources or hinder the filling of research gaps. This thesis studies the translation of the narrative method of stream of consciousness from English to Estonian. The source text is Mrs. Dalloway (1935) by Virginia Woolf and the target text Proua Dalloway (1998) by Riina Jesmin. This research inquires into the strategies the translation of Mrs. Dalloway uses to render stream of consciousness, as well as into the implications of linguistic and cultural differences between the source and target culture. The thesis consists of an introduction, which presents a short synopsis of the novel and what it is known for. The next chapter covers relevant literature about stream of consciousness, Mrs. Dalloway and translation theories. The empirical chapter studies the characteristics of the source text and analyses the target text on the backdrop of the literature review. The analysis will focus on the first and last two pages of the novel, featuring consecutive extracts from the source and the target text. The methods of close reading and structural analysis will be employed with some historical and cultural contextualization. Follows a discussion.
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    Second-Generation Immigrant Struggles with Multicultural Identity and Emotional Loneliness: The Character of Meera in David Chariandy's Soucouyant
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Maisvee, Marie; Rein, Eva, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    Understanding the possible struggles of second-generation immigrants is necessary for providing them the best circumstances for dealing with them. The present thesis analyses the character of Meera, a second-generation immigrant, in David Chariandy's novel Soucouyant, and aims to answer the following questions: how does Meera's understanding of her multicultural identity change throughout her narrative, how does Meera come to experience emotional loneliness and how does she start to overcome it, how do Meera's generational relationships affect her process of understanding her multicultural identity and her experience with emotional loneliness, and, what is the significance of the intertext of the soucouyant in relation to Meera's identity and loneliness. The thesis consists of an introduction, a literature review and an empirical part, and a conclusion. The introduction provides a summary of the novel, the main terms used in the thesis and the research questions. The literature review is divided into three topics: the reception of the novel, multicultural identity and emotional loneliness. The empirical part is also divided into three sections, which concentrate on Meera's relationships with her mother Antoinette, the narrator's mother Adele and the narrator. Meera's understanding of her multicultural identity and her experiences with emotional loneliness are analysed through all the three sections. The conclusion summarises the findings of the thesis.
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    Art as Environmental Activism in Richard Powers’ The Overstory: Analysis of Nicholas Hoel
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Mahla, Birgit; Marling, Raili, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    This thesis aims to explore the development of Nicholas Hoel and analyse how his role as an artist contributes to the portrayal of human-tree relationships and environmental themes in Richard Powers’ novel The Overstory. The thesis consists of an introduction, a literature review, an empirical analysis part, and a conclusion. The introduction provides brief background information on the author and a summary of the novel. The literature review consists of an overview of environmental discussions in literature, the role of art in conveying environmental issues, and the existing research on The Overstory in the context of environmental discourse. The empirical part explores Nicholas’ character development within the novel’s narrative framework. This part also analyses Nicholas Hoel’s artwork and its evolution throughout the novel. The conclusion presents the summary of the thesis’ findings.
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    Translation of Cultural Elements in Kai Aareleid’s Linnade Põletamine into English by Adam Cullen
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Mägi, Maria; Gielen, Katiliina, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    When a literary text, containing culture-specific references, either to items, concepts or historical events, is translated into another language and brought into the target language’s cultural space, the text becomes a representation of the source culture and its values. The thesis at hand offers an insight into the translation process of the transfer of cultural elements from one language and cultural space into another. Thus, the thesis aims to document the possibly problematic areas and analyse the translation of cultural elements of (Soviet) Estonia in Kai Aareleid’s Burning Cities (“Linnade põletamine”) into English. The introduction gives a brief summary of the novel and introduces its main characters, as well as provides the historical background to the time period in which the novel is set, and discusses the particular linguistic situation created by it. The literature review provides an overview of different modes in which cultural elements could be manifested in a literary text and provides a variety of different methods for their translation. The empirical part starts with introducing methodology, then discusses the cultural elements found in the novel and examines the approach taken in their translation.
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    Breaking Free from Depending on men in Edith Wharton’s Summer
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Lehtpuu, Erde-Mari; Talviste, Eret, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The thesis at hand aims to analyze how the main character of Edith Wharton’s Summer(1917) tries to achieve her independence from men. The thesis will explore the female gaze, sexual awakening, and women depending on men from a feminist perspective. For this thesis I use Annette Kolodny’s feminist theories and her view on feminist literary criticism. Kolodny’s perspective that feminism in literature is directly influenced by the lived world and vice versa is applicable for the analysis of Summer. The thesis consists of an introduction, a literature review, an empirical analysis of the novel, and a conclusion. The introduction provides context for the novel and the historical background of feminism.The literature review summarizes previous studies and analyses of the novel and gives a brief overview of depictions of feminism in literature. The empirical part of the thesis provides an analysis of key moments in the novel through close reading. The analysis explores how the chosen topics provide the main character with the strength to try to become independent. The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the thesis.
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    The Representation of Bodily Autonomy in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Leetjõe, Birgit; Marling, Raili, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The aim of this thesis is to analyse how autonomy and bodily autonomy are represented in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. The novel was published in 1899 and was initially criticised for its representation of marriage. It was re-evaluated in the 1950s by scholars, celebrated in the 1970s by feminists and is now acclaimed worldwide. The introduction offers a brief summary of the plot and explains the changing reception of the novel. The literature review provides an overview of topics related to autonomy that scholars have discussed. The topics include motherhood, female archetypes, and emancipation. The empirical section analyses the representation of autonomy and focuses on the narrowersubtopic of bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy is defined in the thesis as the individual’s right to make decisions regarding their body. The empirical analysis covers three topics: the oppressive nature of the marital institution, choosing one’s own partner and suicide as an act of bodily autonomy. The conclusion presents the findings of the analysis.
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    Symbolism of the Colour Red in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Kuusik, Emma; Gielen, Katiliina, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    Toni Morrison’s slave narrative Beloved (1987) can be called a stem text of American literature and has been studied extensively. Nevertheless, the gap in research concerning the translations of Beloved as well as the use of symbols such as colour in the novel is apparent. Thus, this thesis examines some of the meanings of red in Beloved and compares the original to the Estonian translation by Krista Kaer and Kalevi Kvell Armas (1997). The aim is to see whether the translators’ choices might influence the meaning of colour symbolics found in Beloved and this way have an impact on the readers’ perception of the importance of the red symbols . Previous papers analysing Beloved from various viewpoints are discussed in the first subsection of the literature review. As red is the colour of interest in this paper, works concerning both, the sources of red dye as well as potential meanings of the colour are examined in the second subsection. Methodology and analysis can be found in the second chapter. The phrases for empirical analysis were selected using close reading and the method applied in analysis was developed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2002). The English phrases and their Estonian counterparts were first analysed separately and then compared to discuss the effect of potential changes on readers’ understanding of the symbols and occurring differences in the assigned value of the reds. The findings are highlighted in the conclusion of this thesis.
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    The Mad Scientist Trope and Victor Frankenstein
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Kompus, Karoliina Anett; Rajamäe, Pilvi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of the mad scientist trope, including its cultural and historical background, its evolution, and to also analyse the very first mad scientist in literature. The text of Frankenstein is used for the analysis, as well as characteristics of mad scientists suggested by previous authors. The thesis consists of a short introduction, a literature review, an analysis of Victor Frankenstein, and a conclusion. The literature review goes over previous literature that has been written about science from the Age of Enlightenment to the Atomic age and its relationship with society and religion. It also describes how the mad scientist trope came to be and how mad scientists have been portrayed in literature. The second part of the thesis contains an analysis of Victor Frankenstein, the titular character of Mary Shelley’s gothic horror novel Frankenstein. It discusses the inspirations behind the novel and the role they played in shaping the story. Victor Frankenstein is also analysed, with the main focus being on discussing how he fits into the mad scientist trope. His cultural impact and contemporary relevance is touched on as well. The conclusion contains a summary of the points discussed in the two main parts of the thesis.
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    Screams Among the Trees: the Creation of a Modern Gothic Horror Through Satanism, Black Metal and Norse Mythology in Adam Nevill’s The Ritual
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Kiis, Tõnu; Rajamäe, Pilvi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The present thesis aims to study how Adam Nevill’s The Ritual fits the Gothic genre by distinguishing the main themes and its constituent elements of terror and placing them within the context of Fred Botting’s Gothic. The main purpose of this thesis is to study how Adam Nevill has created his atmosphere of terror and therefore an original version of Gothic horror by combining elements not found traditionally in the Gothic genre. The main body of this thesis is divided into an introduction, a literature review, an analysis of Gothic elements in Nevill’s novel and a conclusion. The introduction gives a short overview of the author and what has influenced his writing, the general reception of the novel, a brief description of the structure of the thesis at hand, and finally a summary of the novel. The literature review provides the reader with a theoretical background and is divided into five subsections. The first subsection focuses on providing a theoretical overview of the Gothic genre and its many elements through Fred Botting’s Gothic. The second subsection gives a general overview of the sublime and the methods of its creation in literature based on Edmund Burke’s studies on the sublime. The third subsection provides the reader with a brief history and symbolism of Satanism. The fourth subsection gives an overview of popular bands, figures and activities associated with Black Metal. The fifth subsection provides information on the legends and traditions of Norse mythology. The second section analyses Adam Nevill’s The Ritual in light of the theoretical information provided in the literature review and its subsections correspond to the ones in the literature review. The main body of the thesis ends with a conclusion, condensing the main findings from the whole thesis into a summary. The abstract in Estonian will be provided at the end of the thesis in the résumé
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    The Hero’s Journey and Kishotenketsu in Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle: The Co existence of Story Structur
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Kiik, Laura; Leijen, Djuddah A. J., juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    In an increasingly globalizing world, we are exposed to different cultures and customs, including different storytelling techniques. However, a desire to identify or interpret stories through the lenses of a single encompassing model seems to exist in Western societies, which may result in a limited or false understanding of other cultures. Furthermore, as we tend to think and understand the world through stories, it is paramount that we do not only acknowledge the differences in perspective but also do our best to consider alternative ways of understanding the world to enrich our own personal thinking. As an attempt to explore and introduce two possible ways of telling a story and how they can productively co-exist, this thesis analyzes Hayao Miyazaki’s retelling of the British novel Howl’s Moving Castle through the Western Hero’s Journey and Japanese kishotenketsu, since the movie provides a compelling example of hybridized storytelling. The thesis begins with a general overview of the relevance of the topic and is followed by a more in-depth theoretical background of other related subjects. Later in the thesis, the movie is analyzed using the story structures in question and some further differences not directly connected to the models are discussed.
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    Translating Slang: a Comparative Analysis of Enn Veldi’s and TEA’s Estonian English Bilingual Dictionaries
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Kenk, Ahti; Torn-Leesik, Reeli, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    This BA thesis comparatively analyses the slang entry translations found in Enn Veldi’s Estonian-English dictionary and the TEA Estonian-English dictionary and aims to answer the following research question: How similarly are slang entry translations handled in Enn Veldi’s Estonian-English dictionary and the TEA Estonian-English dictionary? To answer this question, the thesis analyses all entries marked as slang in the dictionaries, 399 in total, to uncover the most common way of translating in the dictionaries, which in turn is used as the base to critically analyse the similarities and differences in slang entry translations in the dictionaries, alongside the positives and the problems that stem from different translations. The thesis starts with an introduction, where the author provides a short insight into bilingual dictionaries and slang, followed by the literature review, which discusses the topics of slang, bilingual dictionaries and translation from the points of various authors, with the aim of providing a background for the analysis both in the form of a slang definition as well as problems that have arisen in dictionary entry translations. The empirical study consists of an overview of the analysis, as well as the analysis itself, followed by the discussion on the findings. The thesis ends with the conclusion.
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    A Comparative Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Activities Used in Language Learning Applications Busuu and Speakly
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Karu, Laura Elisabeth; Zagura, Natalja, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    In recent years mobile language learning applications have grown in popularity and there are many different options on the market for language learners. This thesis aims to show the different vocabulary learning activities the mobile language learning applications Busuu and Speakly use to help their clients learn English vocabulary. This thesis consists of an introduction, a literature review, an analysis of Busuu and Speakly, and a conclusion. The literature review focuses on vocabulary learning by looking at relevant articles and studies and also gives an overview of the literature and previous studies done on language learning applications. The second part of the thesis provides a comparative analysis of the activities for vocabulary learning provided in the applications Speakly and Busuu. This is done by viewing all the vocabulary learning activities that are available for A1 and beginner-level learners.
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    Corpus-based Content Analysis of British Right-Wing Newspapers’ Reaction to the BBC
    (Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Järlik, Marge; Türk, Ülle, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride instituut; Tartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakond
    The purpose of this paper is to study the right-wing newspapers’ online versions’ reaction to the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) refusal to label Hamas ‘terrorists’ and instead use the term ‘militants’. The analysis examines how the newspapers are using this debate to undermine the BBC’s influence in the British public life. This is important because in the increasingly polarised world, these papers question the need for journalistic neutrality and objectivity. The methods and reasons with which the impartiality and the BBC position as the most trusted news provider is tested, should be investigated. The introduction gives a brief overview of the BBC and its Editorial guidelines. The conservative nature of the British media is also examined. The literature review will demonstrate why newspapers generally oppose the BBC, what are the main accusations against it and what research shows is the British media’s (including the BBC’s) stance towards Israel. The corpus-assisted content analysis is used to study articles from two newspapers: broadsheet the Telegraph and mid-market the Daily Mail. News pieces from one month period from October 8, 2023, to November 8, 2023 were selected.