Aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire sümptomite seos koolirahulolu, depressiivsuse ja ärevusega teismelise eas olevatel koolilastel
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Tartu Ülikool
The objective of this research is to identify which symptoms have more impact on school
satisfaction: inattention/concentration difficulties or hyperactivity/impulsivity, and are there any
differences between boys and girls on this point. The representative sample is used in this research
– younger cohort children on age 15 from the Research of Estonian Children Personality, Behavior
and Health (2004). The measurement instrument is hyperactivity scale (af Klitenberg, 1998),
SNAP-IV scale (Swanson, 1995), BDI scale (Beck, 1961), STAI scale (Spielbert et al, 1983) and
School Questionnaire (University of Tartu, 1998).
Boys suffer more on motor anxiety, inattention and concentration difficulties than girls. The girls
reported more symptoms of depression and anxiety which had impact on relations with teachers
and peers and marked less general satisfaction. Inattention/concentration difficulties and
hyperactivity/impulsivity had significant impact on children´s general satisfaction and relations
with teachers, but had no significant impact on relations with peers.