Gesture Detection Software for Human-Robot Collaboration



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With robots becoming more complex machines with more actions available at their disposal, it becomes harder for humans to control them without prior training. I propose a gesture detection system which uses OpenPose and ROS (Robot Operating System) to control mobile robotic platforms. Output from OpenPose is normalized into a joint angle form, which is also used to describe gestures in the system. Proposed normalization method in combination with the capability to change described gestures in a separate YAML configuration file makes the whole system scalable for a developer who can add, remove or modify gestures described by angle notation. The developed system is able to detect static gestures and was tested on three sets, each consisting of 5 gestures to control a Clearpath Jackal mobile robot. In estonian: Robotid on muutumas tehniliselt aina keerukamaks ning nende abil on võimalik täita üha enam ülesandeid. Ka robotite juhtimine on inimestele muutumas väga keeruliseks. Käesolevas lõputöös luuakse kehakeele-põhine süsteem, mis kasutab tarkvarateeke OpenPose ja ROS, et juhtida mobiilset robotplatvormi. OpenPose’i väljund normeeritakse nurkade esitlusele, milles on kirjeldatud ka kasutatavad žestid. Loodud süsteem on skaleeritav, sest normeeritud kujul žeste saab robotsüsteemi arendaja vastavalt vajadusele lisada, muuta ja eemaldada YAML-tüüpi konfiguratsioonifailis. Valminud lahenduse demostreerimiseks implementeeriti kolm erinevat 5-žestilist komplekti, mille abil juhiti Clearpath Jackal mobiilset robotit.



gesture detection, human-robot collaboration, OpenPose, ROS, žestituvastus, inimese ja roboti koostöö
